Includes a hands-on disaster experience. May be repeated. Have you ever wanted to explore the importance of communication? Description: Historical antecedents of modern psychology. Students will have exposure to cultural, political, social, and criminal justice issues. Description: Research methods and results concerning social psychology of work organizations. Description: A study and critical analysis of historical and contemporary issues in international justice, human rights, and conflict resolution. in Ed.) Description: This course introduces the knowledge and skills for a school leader to meet the needs of a diverse student population. Description: Experimental data bearing on the problem of learning; learning theory; learning data and theory in relation to applied problems. Description: The seminar will review the theoretical and applied literature on community development, investigating strategies in both domestic and international contexts. SOC 106 is recommended. Each individual investigation is to culminate in a comprehensive written report and/or examination. im madi and im from northern illinois. Description: Organizational and operational policing from comparative and historical perspectives which have been derived through statistical, observational and survey methodologies. There comes a time in our college career at Drexel where we just want to take an easy class, especially in the spring term. I plan on majoring in marine biology. But don't be like Dwight. Also offered as POL/SOC 478. Prerequisites: Consent of the graduate program director. It is said to be like your middle school health science class. Speaking of easy 101 classes, WGST 101 fills up quickly for a reason. Prerequisites: Graduate standing or consent of the department. Description: Psychosocial issues are covered across developmental contexts for adolescents experiencing fundamental biological, cognitive, and social changes. Description: Advanced graduate study in personal relationships/family. Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI) Prerequisites: HIS 102 or 107 or consent of the instructor; or graduate standing. Prerequisites: ENG 241 or 243 or 341, junior/senior standing or graduate standing; or consent of the instructor. May repeat if content different. Students may apply for and receive two bachelor's degrees at the same time. Description: A consideration of managerial decision making in organizations. Prerequisites: Graduate standing in Clinical-Counseling Psychology or consent of the department. Description: This course examines how humans have interacted with the natural world and methods historians have used to study those interactions. Description: Law of criminal procedure, types of evidence, and legal requirements relating to the admissibility of evidence in court. Participation in an individual weight program. Description: A selected topic, e.g., presidency, Congress, mass political behavior, selected policy problems, etc. SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology (with Jessica A. Cohen). Description: The development of basic skills required in the understanding, planning, and executing of a research study; introduction to analysis of quantitative and qualitative data. Im looking to meet some new people to hang/ go out with before I get down there. Prerequisites: Graduate standing in Clinical-Counseling Psychology or consent of department; personality course is recommended. Prerequisites: Graduate standing in School Psychology or Clinical-Counseling Psychology or consent of the department. Examination of gender roles, norms, and stereotypes from a broad range of perspectives within humanities across centuries and cultures. Description: Advanced graduate study in class, power, and status. Heya! C1 901R Writing Course Sequence. LH - Language in the Humanities There are a number of elective options outside the School of Social Work. Description: Critically examines recent issues in environmental philosophy, e.g., animal minds/rights, climate ethics, food ethics, conceptions of nature, ecofeminism, ecosocialism. Basic knowledge and concepts of use of resistive exercises to increase muscular strength and endurance. Study of major events in United States history from the perspectives of race, gender, ethnicity, and class. Formerly SOC 267. Description: Major theoretical positions applied to counseling approaches. Enhances opportunities for research and publication. Register as soon as you can, as these classes tend to fill up quickly! Description: Studies in and theories of women's writing. To learn more about each course, the prerequisites, and any additional degree requirements, please review the Illinois State University Catalog.The following information is for students in the 2021-2022 catalog. Description: In-depth study of some aspect of Spanish and/or Spanish- American culture. Description: Provides preparation for effective consultation and collaboration between professionals, paraprofessionals, parents, and students. Description: Examination of theoretical, methodological, and applied issues relevant to the study and practice in psychology in multicultural settings. Prerequisites: PSY 350; and graduate standing in Clinical-Counseling Psychology or consent of the department. Offered as ANT 342 and ENG 342. Illinois State University (ISU) Past Exams 2019. A Bachelor of Science degree at Illinois State requires a minimum of 120 credit hours.
Description: An interdisciplinary study of methods, theories, analyses and critiques used by feminist scholars to study feminist issues within and across a range of traditional disciplines. Formerly INTRODUCTION TO VISUAL DISABILITIES. Description: Intensive study of the techniques used to describe cultural practices and belies. Prerequisites: Grade of C or better in ENG 100, ENG 102, a minimum of 45 hours completed or graduate standing; or consent of the instructor. Description: Advanced overview of interdisciplinary feminist paradigms, emphasizing English Studies and literature, theory, and social discourse. E Elizabeth Maroney 107 followers More information 10 of the Easiest Classes at Illinois State University Southern Illinois Illinois State Chicago Illinois Moline Illinois Chicago River Ohio River College Campus School College Springfield Illinois More information . Prerequisites: COM 163 or 167 or THE 170, and COM 263 or 267 or ART 252, or graduate standing. Ever wanted to know the history of Philadelphia? Major Transfer Sample Plans of Study 6) SOC 202: Principles of Sociology These are courses that are specifically selected for first-year students and concentrate on developing skills in oral and written communication, critical analysis, and broad foundations for learning in the academic disciplines. Prerequisites: SED 407 or 409, and 454, or consent of the instructor. Because of laboratory or recitation requirements, some courses are listed as four or five credit hours in this catalog. Bowling (KNR 112) Picture this: You show up to class, no desks, no pop quizzes, no long drawn out lectures that make you yawn more than learn anything. Students can confirm their catalog year in and consult that year's catalog for degree requirements. Description: Theories, historical background, and research regarding adolescent development and emerging adulthood as they relate to contemporary society and across culture. Description: Cellular and molecular aspects of neuronal function; neurotransmitter families; central nervous system development, anatomy, and function; and neuropathology. Privacy Statement Description: Evolution of basic concepts leading to contemporary explanation of determiners of action with application to vocational, social, and educational areas. Description: Advanced examination of theories and research in family communication. Communication and Composition (3 courses required) A grade of C or better required in ENG 101 and 145 or equivalents Mathematics (1 course required) Description: Theoretical and applied investigation of how cities can become more environmentally, economically, and socially sustainable and just. Description: Analyzing music therapy literature and online sources to identify current trends and issues in music therapy. Not for credit if had CJS 389.23, Prerequisites: Consent of department advisor or graduate standing. May be repeated once if content differs. Description: The social institution of sport is examined using such sociological concepts as social organization, culture, socialization, deviance, social stratification, minority groups, and collective behavior. Introductory course in biological anthropology, the study of the place of humans in nature, human evolution, and current human biological diversity. Maximum of 6 hours in decimal versions PHI 360. Description: Survey of various explanations of judicial processes and policies. Description: This course provides a broad introduction to contemporary democracy theory. degree must complete the equivalent of LAN 115 or higher rather than one of these courses. Description: Examination and analysis of theory, research, and practical applications of social-psychological principles to the promotion and maintenance of physical activity. Multiple enrollments allowed if content is different. Description: The study of the language development of children who are deaf and hard of hearing compared to normal language development. Description: Psychological research to place in scientific perspective the etiology and behavioral consequences of female- and male-oriented attitudes. students/interns. Prerequisites: COM 111 and 297, or graduate standing. Description: Exploration of global-scale trends, diversity, processes, power dynamics, and interventions related to children and their trajectories. Not for credit if had FCS 395. Description: Characteristics of the aging process and factors influencing adaptations and the quality of living. Description: The art of storytelling based on knowledge of folklore heritage with experiences in oral transmission of literature in a variety of settings. All four or five hours will be credited toward graduation requirements, but only three hours will be credited in General Education for these courses. Normal, Il 61790-2202 Description: Principles, tools, and models of local economic development, with an emphasis on practical application and examples. Description: A study of the socio-psychological factors influencing the exceptional child s cognitive and affective development with implications for those working with exceptional children. Prerequisites: A minimum of 75 hours completed or consent of the instructor or graduate student standing. Description: Analysis of contending theories and ideologies concerning the role of race and ethnicity in American politics and public policy. Prerequisites: MUS 253 and 254, or equivalent or graduate standing. 7. Description: The purpose of this course is to familiarize students with the ideology, motivation, and methods of the numerous terrorist groups in existence over the last two centuries in order to provide a basis for an understanding of contemporary terrorist organizations and their impact on the national security of the United States. for specific suggested courses to take for your desired major. Description: Select, implement, and evaluate equitable and accessible educational technology and their relation to diverse learners. Not for credit if had FCS 363. Formerly CJS 489.01. Prerequisites: A minimum of 75 hours completed or consent of the instructor, or graduate standing. Also offered as KNR 317. Special attention is paid to the persuasive process of political campaigning focusing upon the role of the media, the candidate, image creation, and other selected topics on political campaign communication. Prerequisites: 45 hours completed or consent of the department advisor, or graduate standing. All were great. I will be attending west chester university. Below we have rounded up some classes you may like to register for this upcoming spring quarter. Articulation changes may occur after the PDF was printed. ENG 145a13 - Writing Business & Government Organizations. Description: Foundation concepts of behavioral psychopharmacology including basic brain anatomy and physiology, neural mechanisms of drug action, and examination of drug action and behavior. Includes clinical experiences. Prerequisites: Graduate standing and consent of the instructor. Illinois State University Both a general education core curriculum and a lower-division major recommendation course listing have been developed. Prerequisites: COM 111 or SOC 211, or graduate standing. Description: Motor, cognitive, and emotional development and personality growth of children, birth through pre-adolescence. Understand construction quality assurance and control. H - Humanities Multiple enrollments allowed if content is different. Not for credit if had FCS 304. Description: The primary focus of this course will be to engage with the current debates, issues, and problems associated with higher education. Not for credit if had FCS 309. Accessibility, ENG 101 - Composition As Critical Inquiry, ENG 101a10 - Composition As Critical Inquiry, ENG 145 - Writing In The Academic Disciplines, ENG 145a13 - Writing Business & Government Organizations, COM 110 - Communication As Critical Inquiry, COM 110a01 - Communication As Critical Inquiry: Classroom Communication-Teacher Education, THE 154 - Introduction To Black Drama And Theatre, HIS 104a05 - History Of South & Southeast Asia, HIS 135 - History Of The United States To 1865, HIS 136 - History Of The United States Since 1865, ENG 165 - Introduction To African-American Literature & Culture, ENG 160 - Introduction To Studies In Women's Writing, ENG 110 - English Literature And Its Contexts, ENG 170 - Foundations In Literature For Children, ENG 131 - American Culture: Traditions And Texts, HIS 131 - American Culture: Traditions And Texts, BSC 101 - Fundamental Concepts In Biology, BSC 101a01 - Fundamental Concepts In Biology: For Future Elementary Teachers, BSC 197 - Molecular And Cellular Basis Of Life, PSY 138 - Reasoning In Psychology Using Statistics, ECO 138 - Economic Reasoning Using Statistics, MAT 152 - Dimensions Of Mathematical Reasoning, MAT 113 - Elements Of Mathematical Reasoning, MAT 113a01 - Elements Of Mathematical Reasoning: With Math Principles, CHE 112 - Fundamental Chemistry Laboratory, GEO 100 - Introduction to Environmental Systems, PHY 110 - Physics For Science And Engineering I, ANT 185 - Cultures Of The World: An Introduction To Cultural & Linguistic Anthropology, ANT 102 - Human Origins: An Introduction to Biological Anthropology and Archaeology, POL 106 - United States Government And Civic Practices, POL 151 - Introduction to International Relations, POL 140 - Introduction To The Politics Of Africa,Asia, & Latin America, SOC 108 - Contemporary Social Problems In Global Perspective, FCS 224 - Enduring Issues For Couples And Families, SOC 264 - Racial, Social Class, And Gender Inequality, F1 905D Ethnic Traditions in American Music, F1 909D Ethnic Traditions in American Theatre, H2 909D Hist Cult Ethnic Minority Groups in US, H3 918 Introduction to Children's Literature, M1 903 Math for Elementary Teaching I and II, S1 901N Cultures of the World: An Intro to Cul, S1 902 Human Origins: An Intro to Biol Anthrop, S5 900 American/U.S. 10 of the Easiest Classes at Illinois State University Search for: MENUMENU Home Humans Of Arizona State University Auburn University Binghamton University Bowling Green State University Brock University Butler University California Baptist University California State University - Chico Specific questions should be directed to the student's advisor. Includes clinical experience. Description: Explores LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) political movements in historical context and with reference to claims for citizenship. Students in the Construction Management major are required to complete 800 hours of work experience. NSA - Natural Science Alternatives You have to attend like 1/2 of the classes all semester. Refer to the Undergraduate Catalog for a complete list of IAI courses and policies. While some specific courses are important to take as part of preparation for a major (such as certain mathematics or science courses), the choice of which course to take in each category is a decision for students to make. My name is Allegra Crawford and Im from Highland Park, IL. Formerly SOCIOLOGY OF LAW. Description: Explores the concepts, theories, and methods sociologists utilize to study the body in social life. Construction Management is an interdisciplinary curriculum that provides a background in construction means and methods, business administration, communication skills, architectural and engineering fundamentals, applied science, and mathematics. Description: Examination of social dynamics of mediated communication emphasizing implications of new communication technologies for social institutions and social change. Graduating with BA in Mathematics - Statistics , International Year One - Pathway - Standard - 2 - Semester in Mathematics from Illinois State University will make students job ready. Prerequisites: Graduate standing in Psychology; basic knowledge of physiological psychology. Description: Overview of the key issues, problems, and theories that confront the agency level officials and those work with government and/or nonprofit organizations. Description: This course focuses on genocide/mass violence and political, legal, and societal responses to it. It is your responsibility to check for offerings and request the appropriate permissions (overrides) from the offering department in order to be admitted into a course as not every course will be offered every semester. 2023 Illinois State University, Normal, IL USA | Contact Us, Privacy Statement | Cookie Statement | Identity Standards | Appropriate Use Policy | IBHE Online Complaint System | ISU Complaint Resolution | Accessibility | CARESActReporting, Communication and Composition (3 courses required), B.S. Kate Moriarty. Emphasis on assessment, treatment, and management within the community. Of these total hours, the Construction Management major requires 93 credit hours of coursework. Formerly STUDIES IN WOMEN AND LITERATURE. Apply construction management skills as a team member. Prerequisites: Graduate standing in the social work program or consent of the instructor. Description: The course involves an exploration of a foreign country. Here is a list of 10 of the easiest classes at Illinois State. COM 110 Communication as Critical Inquiry (3 credit hours) - required for all students, ENG 101 or ENG 101A10 Composition as Critical Inquiry (3 credit hours) - required for all students, Exempt from Quantitative Reasoning Category due to disciplinary expertise gained in the major, A grade of C or better required in ENG 101 and 145 or equivalents. Description: Study the production of health care and the market forces that act on individuals, providers, institutions, and policy design. CM Major Sheet. Description: Overview of social theory in contemporary socio-cultural anthropology. Students will take most General Education courses during their freshman and sophomore years, along with some courses in their major or other elective courses. Description: Culture patterns of selected areas. Academic Departments and Schools are housed in six academic colleges. Prerequisites: Consent of the instructor or graduate standing. May be repeated once if the content is different. Spring term is a time to enjoy the fresh air and sit outside, not stay indoors and study for those hard classes. To be eligible for IAI, at least one transfer course must have been articulated to anIAI core requirement. Sample 4-Year Plan of Study Prerequisites: Graduate standing in Spanish or consent of the instructor, Graduate Level Course: This course is approved for graduate credit. Specific classes that i took which were insanely easy were ACC 167 or 8, BUS 100, and MQM 100. you want other easy classes just look for the KNR or rec courses, bowling and billiards is a goddamn joke lol. May be repeated if content different. Description: Purposes and processes of school-community relationships and how to build community engagement through collaboration and partnerships to support student learning. The articulation guides below also designate what courses at Illinois community colleges will fulfill Illinois State University's Description: Overview of interdisciplinary field of sexuality, gender, and gender identity studies. for native freshmen. Formerly CJS 389.22 CRIMINALIZING THE MENTALLY ILL. Prerequisites: Major or minor only or consent of the department advisor, Description: A broad study of criminal behavior analysis and investigative techniques as they apply to predatory and frequently violent offenders. Prerequisites: Major only or consent of the instructor. Illinois State University Emphasis on police and judiciary response, solutions and treatments. Try to keep some of these classes in mind during registration, and good luck with classes! Depending on a students major and interests, they may be taken in the first year. Of these total hours, the Construction Management major requires 93 credit hours of coursework. Description: This course investigates and celebrates the musical activities of women. Major or minor only or consent of the department advisor, or graduate standing. Description: Organizing, directing, coordinating disaster services in schools, industry, and local government. Depending on your area of specialization, you will be required to take one or two elective courses. Understand the principles of structural behavior. Description: Exploration of major trends in the anthropology of Latin America as examined through ethnographic case studies. While it is a lot of information, there are field trips to complement what you are learning in class. Description: Legal aspects of Illinois public education with emphasis on constitutional law and rulings and rights/responsibilities of school partners and community. Description: Advanced critical study of major movements and periods in African American literature. Description: Theories and research of child life practices and policies as they relate to the care of children in health care settings. Not for credit if had MQM 221 or 421. Majors-Only Courses. Description: Intensive study in a special area of the advanced students interest under a qualified member of the faculty. Description: Historical precedents and new innovations to deal with the rising number of mentally ill in the criminal justice system. SOC 106 or PSY 111 is recommended. Description: This course is for graduate students interested in the application of social theory to everyday lives with an emphasis on education. Description: Analysis of current child welfare topics and the role of the profession of social work. Analyze construction documents for planning. Description: Advanced study of how knowledge in special education is created, organized, and linked to other disciplines through a critical review of current literature and research. Some majors complete other types of degrees that do not include additional graduation requirements. Description: Examines theoretical, pedagogical and research issues in family literacy, particular emphasis on cultural contexts in which children live. Description: Techniques for changing behavior through manipulation of environment. Multiple enrollments allowed if content is different. 2023 Description: An examination of the major themes and events of Native American history and culture from pre-Columbian times to the present. hey y'all!!! UST - United States Traditions. Not for credit if had CJS 389A24. Depending on their major students may be exempted from one General Education category (maximum of one course) because of disciplinary expertise gained in their major listed in the table to the right. - foreign language degree requirement: LAN/FRE/GER/SPA/ITA/JPN/POR 115 (or equivalent). University Studies majors may not be able to get into courses that are listed as Majors-only and, in general, should not list majors-only courses on their Plan of Study. Description: Selected advanced topics covering specific topics in American Government. ENG 145 - Writing In The Academic Disciplines. Took bowling, badminton, and first aid senior year. NS - Natural Science Graduate Level Course: This course is approved for graduate credit. These are courses suited for the first two years of college. A student must enroll in a sufficient number of ensemble courses for a total 3 hours to meet the 3 hour Fine Arts requirement. May not be taken for credit if taken COM 352. University-Wide Academic Requirements AMALI (cultures and traditions of Asia, the Middle East, Africa, Latin, American, or Indigenous Peoples of the World) Bachelor of Science Graduation Requirement in Science, Mathematics, and Technology (BS-SMT) College of Arts and Sciences Foreign Language Graduation Requirement facilitates the transfer of students from one Illinois institution to another. Description: Analysis of major theoretical formulations concerning personality with emphasis upon their current status and evidential bases. Create construction project cost estimates. Description: A critical and analytical study of a contemporary issue or controversy in the field of criminal justice. Description: Principles of behavior modification with an emphasis upon their use in a variety of educational and clinical settings. The School of Social Work is not responsible for scheduling these courses and does not have authorization to give approval for enrollment. 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