You teach English in schools, get paid enough to live off of (no, you're not going to live in glamour), you work only 12 hours a week, and get 5 weeks of paid vacation. Example: for the 2018-2019 program, approximately 2,000 people applied for roughly 1,100 available positions. Many assistants apply for and receive housing subsidies from the Caisse dAllocations Familiales (CAF), however please note that not everyone is eligible to receive CAF as the subsidy is issued on a case-by-case basis. Please also note that France's laws regarding la lacit prohibit the wearing of explicitly religious symbols in schools. Most selected participants have taken at least a few French courses in college or have demonstrated a serious study of French after graduation. We ask that you order an official version of your transcript from the registrar of your university and then upload a PDF copy of the transcript to your application. And yet I can 't hear my alarm clock. You will be notified whether your candidacy has been selected or declined. We cannot take special circumstances into account when making our regional assignments, so we cannot guarantee placement in any particular Acadmie. TAPIF assistants work 12 hours per week, spread across one, two, or three schools; Participants normally cannot sign a contract to work a second job on top of the assistantship; Since the 2014-15 school year, TAPIF assistants have been able to apply for a renewal of their contract to complete a second year of teaching just after their first Applicants must have an intermediate proficiency in French. You can say "response" instead of "hear back" when you want to sound more professional or respectful. If you will not have attained the B1 level by the application deadline, we encourage you to keep learning French and apply for the following years program. While we do have many French majors and minors in the program, we also have many assistants with backgrounds in other fields like education, international relations, political science, history, English, science, etc. October 26, 2012 haleyinfrance Leave a comment. IMPORTANT: If you are selected for renewal, you MUST return home to the U. S. to apply for a new visa. "Hear back" is grammatically correct and shows you would like a response after sending a message. Here is the . Fulbright ETAs also have the prestige of being official Fulbright grantees. Candidates are contacted in groups of 25-100 . NOTE: We can accept the compulsory version of the TCF for application purposes (meaning the version which only tests oral and written comprehension). A number of TAPIF participants have just finished graduate studies or are young professionals looking for a new challenge. Paris, Lyon, Strasbourg and Grenoble always receive many requests for a very limited number of spots. The online application to TAPIF is similar to a typical online application. If an applicant receives one of the 10 Fulbright ETA spots, his or her teaching assistantship will be managed directly by the Fulbright Commission and the Institute of International Education (IIE), and he or she will not have much contact with the Embassy administration. A TEFL or ESL certification is NOT required to apply to TAPIF and in fact, most program participants do not have this certification. Legally speaking, though, assistants have the right to take classes during their year in France so long as the classes do not interfere with their teaching schedule. The most common standardized French-language exam is the TCF, however you can also take the TEF, DELF or DALF. no advantage or disadvantage) during the application review process. Applicants are highly encouraged to keep an open mind and to list 3 school districts of preference on the application. Like Like. The remaining teaching positions are administered through the Embassy Program (TAPIF). Reply. Couples are welcome to apply to the program, however each person must apply individually and each persons application will be evaluated separately based on the standard TAPIF criteria. Assistants are responsible for finding their own housing in France. You will be able to log-in to see your old completed application. The monthly salary for teaching assistants comes to approximately 800 per month NET (slight variations possible due to region-dependent local deductions) which in most cases (depending on personal spending habits) is enough to live a comfortable lifestyle in most regions of France. From what I gather, there are (small) differences between all countries (including between Canada and the U.S.) when it comes to just about everything so keep this in mind while . While assistants do not live in luxury, most are able to live comfortably during their 7-month contract. If neither of these fixes resolves the issue, please email Erin Glaser at with the full name and email address of the recommender who did not receive the automated recommendation request. Yes, a PDF version of your official transcript is perfectly acceptable. Once I heard back in early April, I had to wait even more until May to find out whether or not I'd been accepted. She has been placed in Amiens, France: please stop by after October 1, 2022 for updates throughout her journey! You will also need to provide a statement of purpose about why you want to be a Teaching Assistant in France. While it is technically possible to be a student at the same time as doing the Teaching Assistant Program, this presents a number of challenges in terms of scheduling and logistics. In this TAPIF guide I touch upon major questions prospective applicants have. If you are a permanent resident of the U.S.: A scan of your U.S. green card in addition to the scan of your currently-valid passport from your country of citizenship. Your chances of being placed in the same region are higher if you both select Acadmies that receive fewer overall requests, like Caen, Clermont-Ferrand, Limoges, Reims, and Rouen. Tip 4 - Your Phone. The program involves just 12 hours of work per week . Back to TAPIF. You will also need to provide a statement of purpose about why you want to be a Teaching Assistant in France. Program acceptance and placement decisions are done entirely by merit (and not on a "first come, first served" basis). Use analog, ADAT, Dante, AES/EBU, and Waves SoundGrid platforms with our PRO Hub cards. The Assistants de langue en France program is managed by France ducation international. (If you do not have access to a university French professor or Alliance Franaise language evaluator to complete the language evaluation recommendation, then you may take a standardized French language test and submit those scores instead. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Teaching assistants must obtain a long-stay work visa IN PERSON from the VFS center of their choosing in the U.S. Costs of travel to the assistant's regional VFS office are NOT covered by the program. Of course, the ultimate April Fools joke was played on me by some of my professors, who told me that everyone heard from TAPIF but me. The remaining candidates were not offered positions. While we do have many French majors and minors in the program, we also have many assistants with backgrounds in other fields like education, international relations, political science, history, English, science, etc. October 28, 2020. Even if you were to be placed in the region where you are hoping to take classes, it would then be up to the school district to assign you to a specific town or city, and the school district cannot guarantee placement close to any particular university. Flexibility is HIGHLY ENCOURAGED when it comes to regional placement. The online application to TAPIF is similar to a typical online application. . If you did get placed in the city where the university is located, your university classes would need to fit in with your teaching schedule, which can vary greatly depending on a schools needs as there is no set teaching schedule. I've been dying to go back." "Participating in the TAPIF program was something I'd been dreaming of since my sophomore year at Saint Ben's, when I heard about the program from my study abroad director Dr. Ana . I became obsessed after a short visit in 2009 following a study abroad course in Italy.Every move I made, from switching my minor concentration to French, to seeking out opportunities to study abroad for a semester, was a calculated move to find myself back in France as quickly as possible. In other words, you're making about $28 an hour in the DOMs, and $18 an hour in the mtropole. The French Ministry of Education sets aside over 1,500 Teaching Assistantships for Americans every year, of which 10 are official Fulbright English Teaching Assistant (ETA) positions thanks to a partnership between the program and the Fulbright Commission. The email stated that the rectorat would be closed for a month for summer vacation, and that we should expect to hear back about our situation at the end of August. Certain Acadmies are more "competitive" than others. Having the required level of proficiency is therefore essential to having to a positive and successful experience as a Teaching Assistant in France! Here is what you should do: 1 Create a new dossier for 2023-2024on by clicking Sign-Up. The Basics TAPIF seemed like a good opportunity to go back to France. However, the Embassy CAN provide you and/or your loan provider with a letter stating your position as a teaching assistant and the details of your placement, contract length, salary, etc. After that, there is no fee for participating in the program. October 20, 2022 . A scan of your official university transcript. Each person must qualify individually before we will take the applicants status as a couple into account. You will be expected to dress in a manner that is appropriate to the context of an elementary, middle, or high school. Teaching assistants must obtain a long-stay work visa IN PERSON from the VFS center of their choosing in the U.S. Costs of travel to the assistant's regional VFS office are NOT covered by the program. Decisions are typically sent out by e-mail within the within the month of April. Start date of contract. Apply on tapif.orgstarting October 15th every year. If there will be a significant delay in acceptance results, candidates will be notified by the U. S. program manager via email. Former assistants wishing to do the program a second time must meet all normal program eligibility requirements. Approximately 400 other applicants were kept on the waiting list. You should wait between five to eight business days before you follow up with a job interview. The stronger your application is, the more likely it is that you will be placed in your top area of choice. Other regions of France have a significantly lower cost of living. Without a doubt, the best part of our TAPIF experience was the 8 weeks of paid vacation time. Note for previous applicants who applied prior to the 2019-2020 school year: You must have SUBMITTED your application in the past in order for us to access this information. Americans are allowed to travel in France for up to 90 days as tourists (without a visa), however after this amount of time, the non-assistant must have a visa. I'd like to be able to buy my plane tickets home soon! Press J to jump to the feed. Applications are evaluated based on a number of criteria that are indicative of a candidates potential for successful participation in the program: Applications are ranked based on the above criteria and acceptance/placement decisions are made starting with the most qualified applicants. Assistants need personal funds (suggested minimum of $2,000) to cover their start-up expenses during their first month or two in France. If you are placed on a wait list then give it about a month or so more . Other regions of France have a significantly lower cost of living. Update: went undercover and joined the Facebook group. i got my acceptance in very late april last year, but not everyone heard at the same time. Yes. If you do not have a passport, if your passport has expired, or if it will expire before that October date, you should start the passport application/renewal process immediately in order to have it before the TAPIF application deadline. Vacations. The most common standardized French-language exam is the TCF, however you can also take the TEF, DELF or DALF. Americans may participate a maximum of 2 times in the TAPIF program. Fulbright ETAs also have the prestige of being official Fulbright grantees. Though visas used to be obtained through the French Consulates, the process was externalized in 2018 through a company called VFS Global. Mid- to late September. However, assistants are responsible for purchasing their plane tickets to and from France and must cover any costs associated with traveling to their regional VFS center in the U.S. for the visa application process (there is no visa application fee, but assistants will be required to pay a $37 processing fee to VFS during their visa appointment). You can modify it, or submit it as is. Applicants cannot make requests for specific city or school placements. TAPIF is a programme de mobilit, and assistants are expected to go wherever they are assigned in France. A scan of your passport. October 19, 2022 . . . The u/Fluffy-Werewolf3918 community on Reddit. We encourage you to apply for both programs. You will be able to log-in to see your previously completed application. The best fit for recording studios and live events, especially . If you represent a US university offering a MAT or M.Ed. TAPIF is a programme de mobilit, and assistants are expected to go wherever they are assigned in France. Studying in France does not seem like an option. TAPIF can actually be extremely sensible financially. And then you wont find out your establishment before June - youll receive your arret anytime between June-august. That said, we do our best to help assistants with their search - our offices at the Embassy and the school districts in France provide information on where and how to find lodging in France. We cannot take future French courses into account, so you must demonstrate that you have the requisite French language skills AT THE TIME OF APPLICATION. Hey everyone, I know a few people mentioned that they were going to email Erin to get updates since they were going to have You will also need one language evaluation from a university French professor or a language evaluator from the Alliance Franaise, and one recommendation from a different person who knows you in an academic or professional capacity. You would not receive your first paycheck until the end of October at the earliest, so you would need some money to live on between your arrival and at least the end of October. . We love that TAPIF gives assistants time to explore France and Europe in general, and the ample paid time off was well worth . ). Renewal is contingent upon a positive review from the host institution and whether or not the assistant wishes to remain at his or her host institution or be transferred to another school or acadmie, among other factors. We cannot take future French courses into account, so you must demonstrate that you have the requisite French language skills AT THE TIME OF APPLICATION. The TAPIF program manager is not qualified to advise assistants on the application process for the CAF. As TAPIF wraps up, it can get increasingly stressful to try and itemize all the things you need to do before you return to your home country. The program application includes a question about civil status/applying as a couple, so this would let us know that you are applying together. Saint John's University. If there will be a significant delay in acceptance results, candidates will be notified by the U. S. program manager via email. Program acceptance and placement decisions are done entirely by merit (and not on a "first come, first served" basis). A lot depends on the number of requests for a region vs. the number of positions available in that area. If you wish to update your letters or test results, please email We will then transfer your dossier to the 2023-2024school year and email you shortly with new log-in information. It's been two weeks since I landed back in the States and I've thoroughly enjoyed the time I've spent with my family, the cuddles my cats have bestowed upon me, and the easiness of living in my own country. You would not receive your first paycheck until the end of October at the earliest, so you would need some money to live on between your arrival and at least the end of October. Neither the U. S. Program Manager nor France ducation International is in a position to provide any guidance on this topic. @tapifUSA, CULTURAL SERVICES OF THE FRENCH EMBASSY IN THE UNITED STATES, Expand your horizons and share your language and culture with French students, Teaching Assistant Program in France - TAPIF, Teaching Assistant Program in France - TAPIF , Le guide de l'assistant de langue en France. Having the required level of proficiency is therefore essential to having to a positive and successful experience as a Teaching Assistant in France! The main benefits of applying for a Fulbright spot rather than (or in addition to) the normal Embassy-managed TAPIF program are that Fulbright ETAs receive a travel allowance, health and accident coverage, and access to all enrichment activities offered by the Fulbright Commission (in addition to the normal teaching assistantship stipend). Success stories of the 2002 FCRF winners. It is fine for assistants to enroll in classes at local universities after arriving in France and figuring out how much spare time their teaching schedule allows, so this can work if you are just interested in doing classes on the side. First 2 weeks of April, some arrive later. Join. Only 4% hear back within one day. Posts about TAPIF written by Josie. If this is the case for youtell your employer! 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