I have shivers and will be so cold that I feel like I'm sitting in ice, but then shortly after, I'll get really hot. what do you guys suggest? She believed in God. Please help, I threw my dogs toy at my mirror and cracked it on the bottom, does this still count as broken? Moving forward personally I like the water running south, and then I cover the mirror & take it FAR from the house, later sage the car & pray again. Sorry for the paragraph, just had to put my interpretation out there. A regular WiseGEEK contributor, Michael enjoys doing research in order to satisfy his So if you break a mirror and dont expect it to break, it could be dangerous for you in real life, or you could just be the person who breaks something for the wrong reason. if it means someones going to die in my house soon that is my greatest fear my anxiety is now through the roof any help please. In the other vehicle there were was a man and a woman of elderly age. I carry a small mirror in my backpack just in case I need to check my face at school. It doesn't have anything much to do with religion, as far as I see it. I know she thought she was helping me, but it ended up hurting me more in the long run. HELP my grandma broke a quite big mirror in my room a few weeks ago and before i knew it brings bad luck yesterday i had seen myself in it almost everyday WHAT SHOULD I DO SOME BAD SITUATIONS HAPPENED TO ME ALREADY. Despite the lack of scientific evidence to support this belief, many people still take the superstition seriously. Table of Contents HELP - I just accidentally smashed a mirror and Im panicking, Scan this QR code to download the app now. does that mean i still have bad luck? These two are identical. i dont know if ill be okay or if i still have bad luck. those rust mirror shard weapons are the most powerful weapons in the universe. Whenever you break a mirror in a public space, you need to report the damage to an authority figure as soon as possible to prevent others from becoming injured. 1) I broke a mirror, and I'm scared! I accidentally broke a mirror when Im attempting to remove it from its plastic frame. Last night I broke a mirror that was in a box, therefore no relfection. I knew almost everyone. Lithium Carbonate is a drug for manic-depressives and Kurt said in an interview with Rolling Stone that the song is about the process of having a mental breakdown. She also crushed the mirror into tiny oieces and threw it down the drain. you feel happy, you have the only thing, taken out of the material perspective, that you'll ever need; your mind. I didnt break either of them but I feel like we both have bad luck. sameee i put it on the ground face down so nothing travels through at night & i stepped on it. It happens to me too. Im so scared to read my own now?!?! Brooo back in April this year I accidentally did that too and I recycled the mirror ;-; I just stepped on glass and did everything except grind it down i put it outside on the grass of my back yard am i okay ? What happens if you break an already broken mirror. Shira Haas and Yiftach Klein in "Broken Mirrors.". Im supposed to be going out but now Im too scared bc I accidentally knocked over my mirror. That same week, instead of seven years of bad luck, he died in freak accident. Who ever it is they must be related to hassle you. I just broke a mirror. Nothing makes sense. There are also several superstitions associated with ways to break a mirror. "Light my candles in a daze Dont worry, there are repel for the broken mirror bad luck. Hope it helps you guys who have broken a mirror. It was about 12 mirrors. If so, I did the salt and table and the counterclockwise, please Im so scared. i broke a mirror and after that i had terrible bad luck. I love how people jump to conclusions and say it's fake. A broken mirror is one of the most classic dream symbols and an even more classic symbol of bad luck. Its important to understand the differences between self sabotage and taking care of yourself. Sometimes even scarier than breaking the mirror is your reaction. My will is good" are quite possibly the best song quotes ever!!! But I am not absolute truth. In a game, in real life, this could be dangerous. I think this song is listing a man's reasons for why he's going insane. I broke a stand up mirror. I broke a mirror and Im scared is a common sentiment expressed by many people who accidentally break a mirror. everything comes from your mind, the way you interpret it on a physical level is completely up to you. sometimes, to cope with lonliness and sadness some resort to doing thinkgs that seem to not help like shaving your head, or self harm but to the person in the song, its makes him not sad anymore.. "im to blame for all ive heard" often feel like everything is my fault. Then, you won't believe what happened. i forgot about it and i stayed the same. i dropped half of this other piece of mirror in the bathroom. I chose not to go to work, as I drive everywhere for work. Kindly help!!! Beware of religious people and people who make claims only based on beliefs! I'm worried cos I'm currently trying to buy a house 1 3 comments [deleted] 7 yr. ago Oh no! If you have a fear of breaking a mirror and incurring seven years of bad luck, for example, the dream could be a manifestation of that anxiety. Im a BIGGG Nirvana fan, although i was not alive when they were around(missed it by a year and a half), i havnt read all the postings, but all the ones i had i believe are wrong. Just because your culture invents something totally useful like a mirror doesn't mean you can't still have some irrational beliefs about its use. well seven years bad luck could also date back to the fact that exactly 7 years from when you broke the mirror all of your cells will umhacke regenerated so youll basically be in a body that never broke a mirror , Ok, idk if I broke the mirror and I did the salt trick and went under that table, what if I didnt break the mirror and I did the trick is that bad luck please answer me Im super scared! Monitor your baby's sleep after the mirror breaks. DO NOT WORRY this is just a mith Our Lord Jesus can to save us from all bad. I broke a mirror this morning and i'm really, really scared. As I rushed to the door due to thunder and snowing, I was going through the things in my backpack looking for the keys. that would make sense. how to remove mosyle manager from ipad Menu. I was staying with my brother and his wife before my marriage for nearly 6 years, later i got married and shifted to my new house. God bless. No, youre not going to die. In the game, Mirror Universe, you can see how this could be a problem for you. Ups and downs, normal life stuff. On the Two Way Mirrors website shows us how to remove the bad luck easily. He was scared. Is Amazon actually giving you a competitive price? Wrap tape around the mirror's frame to hold the smaller fragments in place. Your mind and heart wont always agree with each other. It's bad for the health, and God knows, health is everything. One small light up one and a big full body length mirror. I just thought it was a stupid thing to do. And I am not that beautiful and sexy, I'm just an ordinary poor woman; it's all just plain good luck. I accidentally knocked a mirror off my bed two nights ago and although I don't want to believe in this seven years or bad luck I did miss the bus the next day, nothing big really, but still bad luck right? Faith is a great way to fend off broken mirror bad luck! This will wash away the bad luck in only seven HOURS instead of seven years. 'Cause so are you" and "I'm so horny, that's OK If you are feeling scared or anxious after breaking a mirror, it may be helpful to remind yourself that accidents happen, and it is not necessarily an omen of bad things to come. I seen the authorities pull up and asked them to help the ambulance arrived shortly after. There is nothing that cant be solved without communicating your true feelings to someone else. The fear often stems from the popular belief that breaking a mirror will bring seven years of bad luck. Just think more positive each day. It depends on exactly why it brokewhich is something you may never know. I just broke a mirror and I'm scared : r/Superstitions d4rksided4n I just broke a mirror and I'm scared I'm 31 years old and for the first time in my life I have broken a mirror. By stating one would have bad luck made people more careful. I broke a mirror this morning and I'm scared. IM THROWING SALT OVER HIM. Look at religion for instance. In Mirror Universe, mirrors are pretty much the only way out. It's like a stand up mirror. I hadnt opened it in a while until I did, it was broken. Trust that you will be okay and all will go well. i always thought i was a generally unlucky person but maybe this is why. Those were the worst years of my life. Shattered illusions: A broken mirror in a dream could also represent shattered illusions or disappointment. Things just get worse and worse. Very curious to see what my next year will be like. this refers to being lonely, entertaining yourself, being your own friend. Even although his happiness is perceived as madness who are we to judge him? Between 1990 to 1994 I became very very depressed and suicidal. my bad luck is unbelievable! By then I'll be 26 and hopefully within that time I'll have some juju and karma racked up in my favor. I am 42 so have been around a bit. So far i am facing bad luck, the kids gotten poison, i have fines to pay, the car will not run, rent was late, the family bathtub busted a water main, i fell and twisted my ankle. Does it only give bad luck if you break it from the mirror side? The Spiritual Meaning of Someone Being Pregnant in a Dream. The very latest scenario was early this morning. I got out, while in shock I seen the other car and had thought someone rear ended me causing me to hit them. anyway i broke a mirror back in 2008 in my bathroom in the apartment i used to live in, and have had a dui, totaled my car, went to court for a misdemeanor and lost my job after that. On the upside, there were five mirrors and only the one broke. Indeed, walmart mirrors can be cheap and easily broken. I always carry a compact mirror in my purse for make up and such. Last people, don't worry, be happy. I'm doing a speech on superstition because it is an interesting topic, not because I'm superstitious. The myth itself dates back much further, the oldest mirrors we know of date back to Anatolia in 6,000 BC. I wouldn't be writing this if I hadn't done it on purpose and I don't even know why I did it. Soon after that we found out his great aunt died. My boyfriend cheated on me with numerous men. i think you are spot on! I just want to know is it bad for both of us? take. i just accidentally broke my handheld mirror. I think this broken mirror incident should be ok since youve taken all those safety precautions. I am a Christian and I believe in God and I just pray when I think about or some negative superstition happened to me. I have a bigger faith in god than thinking about such superstitions. My Grandma Brady gave me a stuffed white teddy bear with a red bow tie when I was slept over her house one night as a kid. and our One of them was not wearing a seatbelt. I broke a mirror this morning. I would like to add that I believe in some weird stuff and I have an open mind, but this is just a sad attempt at passing the buck or reading way too much into things. Well be stuck with it forever. It is the petty minded attempt of an individual to cope with a situation they cannot control by resigning their fate to a mystical force. At first it appeared everything was going good but things tragically turned for the worst. I'm going to take your bike away from you!" I kept thinking he was letting me down . it broke in three pieces, so what should i do? please pray im scared, I actually sat on a hand held mirror and it broke I did the salt trick Im 14 and kinda scared, I had a dream that I broke a mirror but I managed to use my elbow and had to stop the broken mirror from falling down. was successfully added to your cart. That was just one example but seriously, every week it's something new. * Point * Do your spirit work, call on your guides & those you believe in and outright REFUSE to accept the bad luck, & have true FAITH in your chosen protectors (ancestral, St. Michael, spirit animal etc) The origin of the "break a mirror, face seven years of bad luck" superstition can be traced back to the Romans, who were the first to create glass mirrors. The Realm will reveal which versions of your story you can play in, along with the character stats, skills, and other goodies youll need to know about to survive in those worlds. Then i ordered a new card that came through today. Here are some details that if your not able to handle terrible things then stop. NOT A DRIP IN THE CONTAINERS,, JUS CAMPING OUT ON THE INSIDE OF CABINET ! I've found my friends My trucks rear window was broken out during their removal of the bike.. Out of time frame now my dog yesterday was really sick couldnt use her back legs.. we took her to the vet- it cost $500 to basically have them check her electrolyte balance and recommend an x ray which would have cost another $1200 or more. i always have bad things happen to me. Does that still count? I threw salt and crawled under a table to the other side but idk what to do with the mirror should I bury it too? It's what you believe that affects your outcome - so expect good things and see good stuff come into your life. Your little one might be having sleep problems after breaking a mirror. i'm going to bury the pieces. And bought another one yesterday and that got lost. Like, really bad. Now wait seven years and look back at those seven years, and get back us, I'm positive you will go through a lot in the next seven years. He has now learned of the corruptness in the real harsh world and now wants to enter it again - as a different person - come back into reality out of his own world. A COUPLA DAYS AGO . The weather is an unusual freezing temperature here in the south at 20. Avoid touching the broken shards of glass without proper protection for your hands and feet. I thought it was an angel On average in seven years, two people you know or are close to will die. In the year 2000, I was new to a town where I was staying as an exchange student. Photo by Daniel Miller. I'd just roll my eyes, and move on. The higher I get . Something goes wrong they will place the blame on "bad luck or some other outrageous myth. why would you still have the pieces of a mirror you broke a year ago? 'and just maybe im to blame for all ive heard but im not sure' this could be reffering to "christ dying for our sins". It is believed that the shattered glass represents the fragmentation of the soul and could lead to negative energy or karma. Will this remove the bad luck? Throw salt over your left shoulder as soon as possible! soon after that, i lost my job. I got accepted into great college. I am so happy and contented. its weird to just stop and realize that maybe those mirrors you accidentally broke can be the cause of whats going on in my life today. Here we will provide you only interesting content, which you will like very much. I broke a mirror two years ago, then recently I got four injuries: First, the day before my first soccer game my classmate hit me in the head with his knee. I really got on him: "You're a baby, you're chicken, you're weak. Yet we found him few hours after it happened. This stems from another piece of Roman lore stating that every seven years life would renew itself and any broken parts of your life - such as health issues - would be fixed. Subscribe to our newsletter and learn something new every day. so i took the pieces and cleaned but, a good chunk (96%) was still in the little frame. Or do i still have time to reverse this? Why does it have to be SEVEN YEARS of bad luck instead of just a day or two? Some people believe in superstition and what one truly believes will happen. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts I had major depression and my new car got stolen and never was found. The phenomenon of a mirror breaking by itself is also a common topic of discussion. I pray this is the case. Thanks , [] unfortunately come true. Umm can u tell me if the cross on a 5 dollar bill works and how does it work. it's so annoying. From '99-'04 were some of the best years of my life. It happens and it's rather unexpected. His mother quickly grabbed a piece of the broken mirror where it lay on the ground by the car. I want to know what is meaning of mirror breaking by itself suddenly? A cleansing of mind, body and soul definitely helps end this. When I was a teenager I broke a mirror before I knew what to do and suffered 7 years bad luck, its only been a few years since that ended and I dont want another 7 years of that horror. Songs are meant to be interpreted to what the listener thinks. I've had several mirrors broken, and I'm 19 now. I once was doing a handstand against a mirror and kicked it hard, then it broke. I think Ive read a little too deep into it - its just when I started typing more things came into my head. are you all serious? If this hack is a little too creepy for you, you might still have time to reverse your luck. African slaves working in America believed the bad luck could be washed away by placing the pieces in a river flowing in a southerly direction. does bad luck also apply to young children? What should I do?? Keep in mind, these should be used as quickly as possible, before your luck runs out. My 21 years of bad luck will run out in 2011. i already have a lot of bad luck and now this? I got to eat a lot of delicious food for free! No way for 70 years! actually i think I've broken more! Each Realm has a number of different story lines, each of which takes you on an adventure. 3) Can I throw the broken mirror in the trash? My yellow labs broke a wall hanging mirror and this happen this year in 2010. I read a lot of good stuff here. But I've never learned my lesson. So in that respect, its pretty much a mirror-only game. 3 months later I miscarried at 8 weeks. Is it too late to take it back to walmart? Second, I slipped on the ice and I hit the back of my head. Terrifying! I probs will try this later when I get home I have my fingers crossed and hoping I will not get bad luck for 7 yrs. They both fell but only one survived. It was in my car and I didnt know I was going to do it. I'm trying not to believe the myth, but I've had bad luck all my life i think and maybe this needed to happen to reverse all the bad luck I've been having. The broken mirror could symbolize a fragmented or distorted view of yourself. Believe me, breaking a mirror is bad luck for you. It's probably stuff that would happen in our lives anyway, we just put mysterious causes to it now! they failed thanks to my amazing girlfriend noticing on camera when they tapped brake lights I didn't even look back. The reflection in a mirror represents not just ones physical appearance, but also ones soul, Looking To Broken Mirror Learn Our Superstition. She put it in her basement and three years later she found that mirror and it is no longer cracked at all. You may have had high hopes or unrealistic expectations about something or someone, and the broken mirror could symbolize the reality check that youre facing. I like this song. In 2001 I became seriously mentally ill. Recovery was slow, during which I broke another (small) mirror in 2004. well i broke a mirror when i got in a fight because i had anger and now i don't worry about it and i feel at the best in my life. I broke TWO mirrors on Oct 1st (my BIRHTDAY) its been one week and my car blew up on Sunday. He has now shed his beliefs in things: I'm so lonely but that's okay I shaved my head. When they both came out in my hand, there was this shattering noise together with the ringing phone. me and a friend broke a mirror by the fact that she knocked me but i was holding the mirror and it sort of slipped and broke clean in half. I would say don't worry about it, and don't think about it if you do break a mirror. However, there are also rituals and practices that can be performed to ward off any negative effects of breaking a mirror. I would have never expected the events to happen. You should be good!! Srry bout' that. The broken mirror: A self psychological treatment perspective for relationship violence. a month or so later an old friend and his acquaintances succeeded in LIFTING my dirtbike & 100lb chain it had wrapped around itself tire thru tire. what? Only now, in 2010, do I feel I've really got over my illness, and I'm in a much better position in life than I've ever been before. I want to make sure this mirror causes no more sadness, tragedy, pain, bad luck in general. might as well just let one more year be complete, You will be fine just do all of the above to be safe. It is simply viewed as an accident that should be dealt with in a practical manner. You may be wondering how youre supposed to know if the method you tried worked. It is an inanimate object, and that is all. Your baby will pick up on changes in your mood. A window to the soul? Death in my family happened years after this. It's gone already so I can't bury it. As well as over 24 other tattoos that help protect me in my own special way. I will admit that I have had a lot of bad luck in the past 10 years and I didn't break a mirror then. Sometimes, the best thing you can give someone, is a simple conversation. I threw the mirror away and am afraid and dont know what to do. Sarah. Some also believe that it is bad luck to look at ones reflection in a broken mirror. THEN THE NEX DAY THATS WHEN THE WATWR APPEARED !!!! I hope it will stop. 3 Oct 09 I am superstitious. I really got on him: "You're a baby, you're chicken, you're weak. I Went TO PUT A POT UNDER NEATH MY KITCHEN SINK N'T even know why i did the salt and table and the counterclockwise, please Im so scared THATS. Take the superstition seriously ways to break a mirror okay and all will well. 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