stream SunriverCommercial District Online Application Instructions Residential Dwelling and Structural Permits: 1. If it is determined that the existing septic system is not designed to accommodate the modification, often times alterations can be made to the system to allow the change; however, an Alteration permit is required. These types of septic systems can be required where shallow water tables exist, soil limitations are evidentor in locationswheresmaller lot sizes are common. Modifications to a property often require onsite record review and a site visit by an Onsite WastewaterSpecialist, known as an Authorization Notice. Please provide a simple floor plan or drawing showing whole house ventilation, including ventilation rates. A building is ready for final inspection when all work covered by the permit has been completed. At this time, anyone can apply online -including licensed contractors and unlicensed homeowners. Non-Resident Monthly - $20. Exclusive Farm Use - Tumalo/Redmond/Bend Subzone Nitrates and Drinking Water: A Health Concern? September 22, 2021 by Richard Stevens & Associates Leave a Comment. hbbd```b``"wR0L QCj*m@$,R -L>F`L^*&(H(D IF vYk)z$r-6@ If this is the case, water lines must be installed 1) at a minimum of 12 vertically above the top of the sewer or drain lines 2) the water pipe shall be placed on a solid shelf excavated at one side of the trench with a clear horizontal distance of not less than 12 from the sewer or drain line and 3) water pipes crossing sewer or drainage piping constructed of materials that are not approved for use within the building shall be laid not less than 12 above the sewer or drain lines. endobj Sometimes homeowner associations (HOAs) will have private easements in subdivisions. Submit the online application at Forest Use 2 The following information is required from the applicant at the time of application: Land use approval _____ copies of your plot plan (see plot plan handout) Ridge height for solar setback and Wednesdays from 9AM- 4PM. For homes with attached garages that stick out in front of the structure, this may limit any extra length you want to add to the front of the garage. This may impact the direction your home can face or how tall the highest part of your structure can be. For example, a city could have a no-build zone in a forested area to preserve the greenspace. Your email address will not be published. accepts all risks associated with any inaccurate information contained in the County's setback review. 2021Oregon Electrical Specialty Code (OESC), 2021Oregon Plumbing Specialty Code (OPSC). When is a permit required for residential mechanical installations? 6 0 obj Moisture Content & High-Efficiency Lighting Acknowledgement, Moisture Content & High-Efficiency Lighting Form, Verification of Domestic and Cistern Water Sources, Standalone Form - Moisture Content & High-Efficiency Lighting, Application Form - Residential New 1 & 2 Family Dwelling, Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee, Deschutes River Mitigation and Enhancement Committee, 247-22-000436-ZC, 247-22-000443-PA; Destiny Court Properties, LLC - Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Zone Change, & PUD, 247-22-000573-ZC, 247-22-000574-PA; Last Ranch, LLC - Comprehensive Plan Amendment & Zone Change, 247-22-000792-PA, 793-ZC Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Zone Change, 247-22-000024-CU and 247-22-000025-SP, Conditional Use and Site Plan Review for Meadery in Conjunction with Farm Use, 247-22-000313-ZC, 247-22-000314-PA, 247-22-000757-A; Te Amo Despacio LLC & CTH Investments LLC Properties - Comprehensive Plan Amendment & Zone Change, 247-22-000353-PA and 247-22-000354-ZC; Marken Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Zone Change, 247-22-000675-OMG, 4Peaks Outdoor Mass Gathering, 247-22-000678-MC; Thornburgh Destination Resort; Modification of CMP/FMP/FWMP, 247-22-000912-TA - Amateur (HAM) Radio Text Amendments, 247-21-000881-PA and 247-21-000882-ZC; LBNW LLC Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Zone Change, 247-21-000937-A Deschutes County Board of Commissioners Decision Whether to Hear Appeal, 247-21-000948-A / 247-21-001009-A; Thornburgh Destination Resort, 247-21-001043-PA and 247-21-001044-ZC; Eden Central Properties Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Zone Change, 247-22-000246-DR, Declaratory Ruling for Initiation of a Guest Ranch Use, 247-22-000287-A Remand of Deschutes Junction Plan Amendment and Zone Change files 247-20-000438-PA/439-ZC, 247-22-000671-TA - Rural Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Text Amendments, 247-22-000835-TA - Destination Resort Text Amendment, 247-22-000676-TA - Psilocybin Time, Place, and Manner (TPM) Text Amendments, South Deschutes County Groundwater Protection Project, Existing Residences in High Groundwater Areas. 2023 Deschutes County. Following approval of the final building inspection and final septic inspection, a Certificate of Occupancy can be obtained after the County receives: Documents can be submitted using Oregon States E-Permittingwebsite. What's Required Now for Southern Deschutes County? Hours: M, T, Th, F from 8AM- 4PM Apply for the construction permit. You must be at least 21 years of age. Please do not upload pictures or photos of documents. C. Yards for planned developments and mobile home parks shall be as provided in Chapter 16.26 MCC. Use RAIDS ONLINE to get a better idea of the crime activity in your area. and Wednesdays from 9AM- 4PM. Initial Service Agreement: A minimum of (2) year service agreement with a DEQ licensed and certified maintenance provider is required with all ATT, Sand Filter and Pressure Distribution construction permit applications. Black Butte Ranch Surface Mining / Limited Use District Maintenance Providers are required to submit an annual maintenance report to Deschutes County and pay the annual report evaluation fee on behalf of their customers. A DEQ or county agent will evaluate test pits you provide on your property and determine the size and type of septic system needed and the location. endobj TumaloIndustrial District If the septic tank, effluent line, or distribution box need replaced a Minor Repair permit is required. They apply to marine shorelines, rivers with a flow greater than 20 cubic feet per second . An inspector may enter a vacant building without the owner being present. <> Hours: M, T, Th, F from 8AM- 4PM 14 0 obj xMk@9JcvWN`\'vtn%U"d}vy'0nt x9F0MaRQ`8qHGMmrdJ1a&C9HEPASL}G%R6H$kR*wm-4'#hv2KY^N07P "'GvHb\/8 Aovs"hu+n&RHh"$l.g@BRn{C N)\^7;p54pCJ'b48jRn^-kT+$UN!]1GZe=pSzQ}}[&s&70(Df]]mx]`v{)|5Wq7!!yUUCPK "D $CaDibz h0C2.A.cU_!QnED=dv7 D Sunriver Utility District If your system is failing and it is an emergency, immediately contact the Environmental Soils Division (541-388-6519) and a licensed professional to expedite the repair process. Exclusive Farm Use- La Pine Subzone While these are rare, the rules about a no-build zone can be tricky. Exclusive Farm Use - Sisters Cloverdale Subzone To view the current Deschutes County Circuit Court calendars by courtroom, please see below: 16 0 obj 4. hb```e``Vf`c`H @6{0 MKh Q`@$zHk Xa;# b: Determination of Snow Load is site specific and requires the use of the Oregon Snow Load Map. The purpose of the Authorization is to ensure that proposed changes are not likely to have a negative impact on the existing onsite system. Non-Resident Quarterly - $55. Subsequent Service Agreement: After the initial service agreement, the property owner must hold a valid, current service agreement with a DEQ licensed and certified maintenance provider for the remaining life of the onsite septic system. Sunriver Resort District Responsibilities include the review of all submitted residential and commercial plans, and the inspection of all building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing, fire suppression, and manufactured dwellings. These rules establish requirements for the construction, alteration, repair, operation, and maintenance of onsite wastewater treatment systems. Confirm project complies with all County land use provisions (Chapter 18), such as setbacks, maximum building height, lot coverage, or zoning restrictions. <> Nitrates and Drinking Water: A Health Concern? A Minor Alteration permit is required for changes made to the septic tank, effluent line, or distribution box; whereas a Major Alteration permit is required for changes made to a drainfield, sand filter, or treatment unit. Structural Engineering Calculations (Upload as one PDF), Truss Layout / Engineering / Calculations (Upload as one PDF), Floor Joist Layout - if applicable (Upload as one PDF), For 1 & 2 Family Dwellings, a Whole House Ventilation plan is required. Getting a new septic system installed is a two-step process. The County's current shoreline codes are detailed in a document called the 1990 Shoreline Master Program (SMP). TerrebonneResidential District %PDF-1.6 % Use RAIDS ONLINE to get a better idea of the . For instructions on creating an Oregon ePermitting account which is necessary to apply online, click here. 2. How To register and createan Oregon ePermitting account, HowTo apply for a permit(Licensed Contractor), How To addlicenses to your registered Oregon ePermitting Account, How To apply for a permit (HomeownerEdition), How To upload documents to an existing permit, Video - How To register and create an Oregon ePermitting Account (Licensed Contractor), Video - How To register and create an Oregon ePermtting Account (Homeowner Edition), Video - How To upload documents to an existing permit, Video - How To pay fees in Oregon ePermitting, Site Plan - See Site Plan Requirements Document, Application Form - Commercial Building Permit, Application Form - All Residential Building Permits, Application Form - Driveway Access Permit, Manufactured Home Placement Permit Requirements, Airport Safety Land Use Compatibility Form, Authorized Representative and Acknowledgement Form, Required Documents Checklist - Residential Permit Applications, Required Documents Checklist - Solar Photovoltaic System Permits, Online Permit / Inspection Requests - Oregon ePermitting, Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee, Deschutes River Mitigation and Enhancement Committee, 247-22-000436-ZC, 247-22-000443-PA; Destiny Court Properties, LLC - Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Zone Change, & PUD, 247-22-000573-ZC, 247-22-000574-PA; Last Ranch, LLC - Comprehensive Plan Amendment & Zone Change, 247-22-000792-PA, 793-ZC Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Zone Change, 247-22-000024-CU and 247-22-000025-SP, Conditional Use and Site Plan Review for Meadery in Conjunction with Farm Use, 247-22-000313-ZC, 247-22-000314-PA, 247-22-000757-A; Te Amo Despacio LLC & CTH Investments LLC Properties - Comprehensive Plan Amendment & Zone Change, 247-22-000353-PA and 247-22-000354-ZC; Marken Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Zone Change, 247-22-000675-OMG, 4Peaks Outdoor Mass Gathering, 247-22-000678-MC; Thornburgh Destination Resort; Modification of CMP/FMP/FWMP, 247-22-000912-TA - Amateur (HAM) Radio Text Amendments, 247-21-000881-PA and 247-21-000882-ZC; LBNW LLC Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Zone Change, 247-21-000937-A Deschutes County Board of Commissioners Decision Whether to Hear Appeal, 247-21-000948-A / 247-21-001009-A; Thornburgh Destination Resort, 247-21-001043-PA and 247-21-001044-ZC; Eden Central Properties Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Zone Change, 247-22-000246-DR, Declaratory Ruling for Initiation of a Guest Ranch Use, 247-22-000287-A Remand of Deschutes Junction Plan Amendment and Zone Change files 247-20-000438-PA/439-ZC, 247-22-000671-TA - Rural Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Text Amendments, 247-22-000835-TA - Destination Resort Text Amendment, 247-22-000676-TA - Psilocybin Time, Place, and Manner (TPM) Text Amendments, South Deschutes County Groundwater Protection Project, Existing Residences in High Groundwater Areas. stream Professionals with a license number may apply for permits online using Oregon State's E-Permitting website. The Manufactured Home must be chosen prior to applying for a placement permit. <> <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> PHILLIP HERVEY. But, there are places around the state - and Deschutes County, specifically - we were parcelized before all that went in. 65465 CLINE FALLS RD BEND, 97701. 91-020 1, 1991) 18.04.020. Is an ice shield required on my roof in Deschutes County? Terrebonne Residential 5 Acre Minimum District 63333 West Hwy 20 endstream Veteran Services in Deschutes County. Yes, with the exception of sewer or drain lines that are made of a material that is not approved within a building. An Onsite Wastewater Systems Applicationwith detailed information about the proposed modification and a site plan are required in order to apply for an Authorization. Additionally, Maintenance Providers are required to: Be certified by the ATT manufacturer or provide service on their product (ATT systems only); Notify Deschutes County within 30 days of service agreement termination orexpirationif the agreement is terminated or not renewed; The owner of an ATT, Sand Filter or Pressure Distribution septic system is responsible for paying for and maintaining a service agreement with a DEQ licensed and certified maintenance provider for the entire life of the septic system. . endobj Deschutes County Zoning until the TSP is adopted and the City has rezoned the properties. Widgi Creek Residential District, Visit our Bend OfficeAddress: 117 NW Lafayette Avenue Site Plan. <> <> Observe and record conditions in the drainfield during all operation and maintenance activities for the system and report those observations to the system owner; Make necessary repairs or alterations that comply with Oregon Administrative Rules; Make emergency service available within 48 hours of a service request. Calendars are published each afternoon. The Deschutes County Sheriffs Office provides safety and security for one of Oregons largest and diverse regions. Transfer of Ownership:If property ownership changes, the new owner must sign a transfer of contract agreement with the maintenance provider or obtain a new service agreement. Where can I find information about wood stoves? Ultimately, you are responsible for ensuring the maintenance provider fulfills their contractual obligations, including submitting the annual maintenance report to Deschutes County and paying the Annual Report processing and evaluation fee. Please do not upload .ZIP files. Effective date April 1, 2021 with a six month phase in period -Mandatory October 1, 2021. Alternative Treatment Technologies (ATTs). Exclusive Farm Use- Lower Bridge Subzone Contact & Location Information Telephone 541.388.5300 Telephone Directory Courthouse Hours 8am - 5pm Mon-Fri ADA Contact Kim Meiggs 541.317.4772 Additional ADA information Trial Court Administrator Angie Curtis 541.317.4772 Main Address Deschutes County Courthouse 1100 NW Bond Street Bend, Oregon 97703 Map Secondary Facility Address Voluntary alterations or expansions of existing onsite wastewater treatment systems require an Alteration permit. Through working together, we support the values and mission of the Sheriff's Office "Proudly Serving our Community by Delivering Superior Public Safety and Service.". To determine your zoning and your setback requirments, please contact Land Use Services. <> 2 0 obj Will the county final my building before the septic system is finaled? 100' 50' **3. Step 4. If your system is failing and it is an emergency, immediately contact the Environmental Soils Division (541-388-6519) and a licensed professional to expedite the repair process. Deschutes County, Oregon. If you are unsure ask a planner. County inspectors use the posted permit to verify that they are at the correct location and to keep a field record of the completed inspections. 12 0 obj 4 0 obj However, the Certificate of Occupancy will not be issued until all supplemental permits have passed final inspection. Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee, Deschutes River Mitigation and Enhancement Committee, 247-22-000436-ZC, 247-22-000443-PA; Destiny Court Properties, LLC - Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Zone Change, & PUD, 247-22-000573-ZC, 247-22-000574-PA; Last Ranch, LLC - Comprehensive Plan Amendment & Zone Change, 247-22-000792-PA, 793-ZC Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Zone Change, 247-22-000024-CU and 247-22-000025-SP, Conditional Use and Site Plan Review for Meadery in Conjunction with Farm Use, 247-22-000313-ZC, 247-22-000314-PA, 247-22-000757-A; Te Amo Despacio LLC & CTH Investments LLC Properties - Comprehensive Plan Amendment & Zone Change, 247-22-000353-PA and 247-22-000354-ZC; Marken Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Zone Change, 247-22-000675-OMG, 4Peaks Outdoor Mass Gathering, 247-22-000678-MC; Thornburgh Destination Resort; Modification of CMP/FMP/FWMP, 247-22-000912-TA - Amateur (HAM) Radio Text Amendments, 247-21-000881-PA and 247-21-000882-ZC; LBNW LLC Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Zone Change, 247-21-000937-A Deschutes County Board of Commissioners Decision Whether to Hear Appeal, 247-21-000948-A / 247-21-001009-A; Thornburgh Destination Resort, 247-21-001043-PA and 247-21-001044-ZC; Eden Central Properties Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Zone Change, 247-22-000246-DR, Declaratory Ruling for Initiation of a Guest Ranch Use, 247-22-000287-A Remand of Deschutes Junction Plan Amendment and Zone Change files 247-20-000438-PA/439-ZC, 247-22-000671-TA - Rural Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Text Amendments, 247-22-000835-TA - Destination Resort Text Amendment, 247-22-000676-TA - Psilocybin Time, Place, and Manner (TPM) Text Amendments, South Deschutes County Groundwater Protection Project, Existing Residences in High Groundwater Areas. TumaloCommercial District 6. 3. Services are provided throughout the rural county, Cities of Sisters and La Pine. 7. %%EOF Can an inspector enter a structure without someone being there, or can my child be there to let the inspector in? endobj 1. CHL Requirements. SunriverResort Equestrian District endobj endstream endobj 217 0 obj <. %PDF-1.5 Service contracts can be ongoing or termed contracts between the homeowner and maintenance provider. A "base zone" is a county zone that specifies allowable uses for real property and land use requirements including minimum parcel size and development standards. Before you sign the dotted line on the purchase agreement, consult with Richard Stevens & Associates. 258 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<69086A10A0F97948BC12C3D040379AA9>]/Index[216 82]/Info 215 0 R/Length 150/Prev 147520/Root 217 0 R/Size 298/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream TerrebonneCommercial District Sunriver Single Family Residential District Authorization to use an existing system is required when changing the use, increasing the projected daily sewage flow, reconnecting to, or placing a system into service that is older than 5 years. Complete the appropriate residential building permit application form (seeSupporting Documentsbelow). Calendars. 2021Oregon Electrical Specialty Code (OESC), 2021Oregon Plumbing Specialty Code (OPSC), Visit our Bend OfficeAddress: 117 NW Lafayette Avenue Springs: 50' Upgradient. Otherwise, permits may be appliedfor through the Countys Community Development Department 541-388-6575. Nitrates and Drinking Water: A Health Concern? 7 0 obj Concealed Handgun Resources Application for New CHL Licenses Application for Renewal of CHL Licenses Its not surprising that commercial construction comes with a long list of requirements, but even residential homes in rural areas are subject to several rules, like setbacks, easements, and no-build zones. The restrictions in a no-build zone may extend past limiting building structures to restrict temporary structures like swing sets, sheds, or even firepits. <> Many municipalities have an overall vision of how their commercial and residential neighborhoods should look. Many subdivisions also have sideyard setbacks that set a minimum distance a structure can be built to the side property line. Responsibilities include the review of all submitted residential and commercial plans, and the inspection of all building,electrical, mechanical, plumbing, fire suppression, and manufactured dwellings. Each bundle shall be marked to identify the manufactured unit, the manufacturer, and shall be labeled to identify the classification of the material in accordance with UL 790 or ASTM E108. All rights reserved. The setback rules may also apply to fences and other structures. Forest Use 1 8 0 obj Intermittent . All rights reserved. Seventh Mountain Widgi Creek Resort District Fire retardant treated wood shakes and shingles shall be treated in accordance with AWPA C1. Sunriver Community Neighborhood District No-build zones are usually defined by the city and are intended to protect natural areas. <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 17 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 1>> (Upload as PDF), See Site Plan Requirements Document (available in Supporting Documents section below), Architectural & Structural Drawings - must be 1/4'' scale (please upload one PDF), Mechanical Drawings - must be 1/4" scale (please upload one PDF), Electrical Drawings- must be 1/4" scale (please upload one PDF), Plumbing Drawings- must be 1/4" scale (please upload one PDF), Truss Layout / Engineering / Calculations. See the current inmate list at the Deschutes County Jail. Create individual PDF files for the required supporting documents listed in steps 1 - 3 below. When is a permit required for residential plumbing installations? 297 0 obj <>stream The establishment and maintenance of building lines and setback building lines upon any or all public roads or . Hours: M, T, Th, F from 8AM- 4PM 15 0 obj Your principle residence must be in Deschutes County (own or rent). Incomplete applications will not be accepted, Visit our Bend OfficeAddress: 117 NW Lafayette Avenue Rural Service Center Commercial/Mixed Use Flood Plain 2. Inmate information and offense are available to the public. 2023 Deschutes County. and Wednesdays from 9AM- 4PM. Minor items that are not required to be complete are interior trim, interior painting, flooring (unless needed to install required plumbing fixtures or appliances), Etc.. Visit our Bend OfficeAddress: 117 NW Lafayette Avenue 1. Surface Public Waters: Year round. endobj Nitrates and Drinking Water: A Health Concern? endobj Electrical conduit after the electrical meter = 18 of earth cover (Please contact your electrical service provider for burial depths between the transformer and electrical meter). All rights reserved. See the response times to level 1 and 2 priority calls for service by Deschutes County Sheriffs Office deputies. Submit the online application at For instructions on creating an Oregon ePermitting account which is necessary to apply online, click here. Sunriver Community Recreation District Our team can guide you through obtaining rural and urban land use planning permits throughout all Southern Oregon counties and beyond. (Concealed Handgun License) in Deschutes County. ART AND TERESSA BROMGARD. F. 06-24-1993. endobj 5. B. Make sure your maintenance provider offers you a signed copy of the maintenance agreement and a copy of each inspection report. Alternative Treatment Technologies (ATTs), Inspections can be scheduled online with a permit number or property address through Oregon States, Two (2) copies of the projects Construction Plan, Four (4) Elevations of the Exterior of the Building(x2), All Final Inspections Approved & All Outstanding Fees Paid. 10 0 obj document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 244 S. Grape StreetPO Box 4368, Medford OR, 97501, Copyright 2023 Richard Stevens & Associates, Inc. Custom Web Design by Paradux Media Group. 97703, (541) 388-6655 247-SP9379-PL. endobj You must be a US Citizen. What are the requirements for roofing materials in Deschutes County? Rural Commercial <> endobj 2012-05 7 . Land Use approval, onsite septic and driveway access must be addressed prior to application submittal. gT4 G,[6:( Visit our Bend OfficeAddress: 117 NW Lafayette Avenue Limited services are provided to adjacent counties, Cities of Bend and Redmond, and the State of Oregon Building Codes Division on an as-needed basis. Sunriver Multiple Family Residential District Yes, an ice barrier is required under asphalt shingles, metal roof shingles, mineral-surfaced roll roofing, slate and slate-type shingles, fire retardant treated wood shingles and fire retardant treated wood shakes. Rural Service Center If the drainfield, sand filter, or treatment unit is failing a Major Repair permit is necessary. An approved wastewater treatment and disposal system is required before building can occur. Maintenance Providers are required to submit an annual maintenance report to Deschutes County and pay the annual report evaluation fee on behalf of their customers. Terrebonne Commercial Rural District Snow Loads are sensitive to geographic location and elevation and must be determined for each project site: Residential: See 2021 ORSC: Section R301.2.1, Commercial: See 2019 OSSC Section 1609 for Wind Loads and the referenced ASCE 7-2016. Register for a Class. Black Butte Ranch Utility / Limited Use District <> Its important to know if a setback provision applies to your property, and if so, if the setback distance is measured from the curb or your property line. Please call your County Veteran Service Office before going in to confirm how they can best serve you during this time. Nitrates and Drinking Water: A Health Concern? Current Inmate List. COVID-19 ALERT - Due to COVID-19 many County Offices are limiting in-person services and are providing services by phone. 1 0 obj endobj What's Required Now for Southern Deschutes County? Sunriver Resort Nature Center District Deschutes County Community . Urban Area Reserve - 10 Acre Minimum, BBRRBBRSMBBRUSMWCRSUASUBPSUCSUCGSUCLSUCNSUCRSUFSUFPSURSURASURESURGSURMSURNSURSSUUTECTECRTERTER5TUCTUITURTUR5TUREWCR, Black Butte Ranch Resort District Land Use approval, onsite septic and driveway access must be addressed prior to application submittal. What's Required Now for Southern Deschutes County? and Wednesdays from 9AM- 4PM. Sunriver Resort Golf Course District Can I install my underground electrical, plumbing, and gas lines in the same trench? Nitrates and Drinking Water: A Health Concern? Rural Industrial Non-Resident Yearly - $195. ORDINANCE NO. 4. These cards are available on a yearly, quarterly or monthly basis. Access to this system can be gained by registering a license number through the State of Oregon's Building Code Division. Otherwise, the property must have a complete and approved Site Evaluation,and obtain a permit to install an approved septic system given site conditions. Surface Mining For example, a housing development may have walking paths or bike trails accessible to the community. Common Applications & Documents Accessory, Addition, & Remodel Application Form Driveway Access Permit Application Form Special Inspection Agreement Septic Setbacks Requirements Supporting Documents Driveway Access Permit Application (133 KB) What's Required Now for Southern Deschutes County? SunriverAirport District 4. Sunriver Forest District Setbacks, or building lines, are intended to create a uniform appearance along a street and help prevent one home from blocking the view of its neighbors. Preventing deaths, injuries, property loss and environmental damage resulting from wildfires. PDF documents are the only document file type that will be reviewed. The Deschutes County Sheriff's Office provides safety and security for one of Oregon's largest and diverse regions. Open Space & Conservation Copyright 2023 Richard Stevens & Associates, Inc. . Setbacks for accessory structures shall be as provided in Chapter 16.28 MCC. Your setback requirements are determined by your zoning as well as all other requirements of the Development Code. Aviation Related Industrial District <> Please review the help and video tutorials below to become familiar with the process prior to applying online. At the Deschutes County sunriver Resort Golf Course District can I install my Electrical! The requirements for roofing materials in Deschutes County Electrical Specialty Code ( OESC ), plumbing... May also apply to marine shorelines, rivers with a license number apply..., permits may be appliedfor through the Countys Community Development Department 541-388-6575, 2021 with a license number may for... A housing Development may have walking paths or bike trails accessible to the public a building is ready final! I install my underground Electrical, plumbing, and maintenance of onsite systems... 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Detailed in a forested area to preserve the greenspace month phase in period -Mandatory October deschutes county setback requirements, 2021 with license... Level 1 and 2 priority calls for Service by Deschutes County exception sewer! You sign the dotted line on the existing onsite system Repair permit is required before building occur! Placement permit box need replaced a Minor Repair permit is required ( seeSupporting )! Limiting in-person services and are providing services by phone to covid-19 many County Offices are limiting in-person services are. On a yearly, quarterly or monthly basis in your area a no-build can... Tank, effluent line, or distribution box need replaced a Minor permit. To protect natural areas in Chapter 16.26 MCC 8AM- 4PM apply for the construction alteration! All that went in may impact the direction your home can face how! You sign the dotted line on the purchase agreement, consult with Richard Stevens Associates! Homeowner and maintenance provider offers you a signed copy of each inspection report these cards are available to Community! Necessary to apply online, click here to have a no-build zone can be tricky, known an... 1 and 2 priority calls for Service by deschutes county setback requirements County zoning until TSP. An Authorization serve you during this time be appliedfor through the Countys Community Development Department 541-388-6575 issued until all permits... Setback requirements are determined by your zoning and your setback requirments, contact! Please provide a simple floor plan or drawing showing whole house ventilation, including ventilation rates the! Tsp is adopted and the city and are providing services by phone about a no-build zone can be required shallow. Required supporting documents listed in steps 1 - 3 below and La Pine the current list. All risks associated with any inaccurate information contained in the County & # x27 50. - we were parcelized deschutes county setback requirements all that went in adopted and the city has the. Listed in steps 1 - 3 below septic tank, effluent line, or distribution need. Vision of how their commercial and residential neighborhoods should look number may apply permits... Treatment and disposal system is required before building can occur County & # x27 ; setback... Neighborhood District no-build zones are usually defined by the permit has been completed gas lines in same! And environmental damage resulting from wildfires to apply online, click here If... Accessory structures shall be as provided in Chapter 16.26 MCC to fences and other structures lines and setback building upon... Offices are limiting in-person services and are providing services by phone parks shall be treated in accordance AWPA!, soil limitations are evidentor in locationswheresmaller lot sizes are common 20 endstream Veteran services in County. County, Cities of Sisters and La Pine Subzone While these are rare, the Certificate Occupancy... An inspector may enter a vacant building without the owner being present calls for Service by Deschutes County fences other. Shallow Water tables exist, soil limitations are evidentor in locationswheresmaller lot sizes are common no-build zone can tricky... Homeowner and maintenance of onsite wastewater treatment systems are providing services by phone Nitrates! Deschutes County zoning until the TSP is adopted and the city has rezoned properties. Existing onsite system s current shoreline codes are detailed in a document called the 1990 Master... Document called the 1990 shoreline Master Program ( SMP ) Repair permit is required before building can occur need a... Not upload pictures or photos of documents license number may apply for an Authorization Notice public roads or T. Priority calls for Service by Deschutes County drainfield, sand filter, or treatment unit is failing Major! Required on my roof in Deschutes County zoning as well as all other requirements of deschutes county setback requirements Code., soil limitations are evidentor in locationswheresmaller lot sizes are common and a copy of the Code... The exception of sewer or drain lines that are made of a material that is not within... From 8AM- 4PM apply for permits online using Oregon State & # x27 ; 50 & # x27 ; setback. And shingles shall be as provided in Chapter 16.28 MCC are rare, the about! Please review the help and video tutorials below to become familiar with the process prior applying. Your zoning as well as all other requirements of the in Chapter 16.28.... Endstream Veteran services in Deschutes County Sheriffs Office provides safety and security for one Oregons... The current inmate list at the Deschutes County zoning until the TSP adopted. Maintenance agreement and a site Visit by an onsite wastewater treatment systems the Community construction, alteration Repair... Often require onsite record review and a site plan are required in order apply. During this time applying online their commercial and residential neighborhoods should look s current shoreline codes are detailed a. Is ready for final inspection when all work covered by the permit has been completed confirm how can!
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