"That looks to me as if it may be obstruction of the committee's activities", Specter, R-Pennsylvania, said at the start of his committee's hearing into the unit. Barrett was confirmed on October 26, 2020. The 9/11 Commission has released multiple statements over the past week, each of which has significantly changed from initially denying ever being briefed to acknowledging being briefed on both operation ABLE DANGER and Mohamed Atta. He believed that Able Danger identified Mohamed Atta 13 separate times prior to 9/11 and that the unit also identified a potential situation in Yemen two weeks prior to the October 12, 2000 attack on the USS Cole. Atta was identified by Able Danger in January/February 2000", he was quoted as saying. To prevent two entries from occurring in NIIS, the inspector should have crossed out the admission number on the new I-94, made a reference to the previous admission number and noted that it was not a new entry.[47]. [172] At that time he was briefly not the least popular Senator, and was surpassed by Senators Claire McCaskill and Jeff Flake. ', "Trump slashes at McConnell as he reiterates election falsehoods at Republican event", "Trump blames election loss on "suppression polling," attacks Pence and "pathetic" McConnell", "McConnell says Senate would acquit Trump if trial held today", "McConnell indicates he'll let Trump's lawyers dictate Trump's impeachment trial", "McConnell says he'll be in 'total coordination' with White House on impeachment trial strategy", "McConnell: 'There's no chance' Trump is removed from office", "On eve of expected impeachment, Trump lashes out at Pelosi, Democrats", "McConnell displays mastery of Senate with impeachment victory", "How Mitch McConnell pulled off a near-impossible impeachment feat", "Charm, patience and Twitter tactics: How Trump, McConnell kept GOP in line on impeachment", "McConnell is said to be pleased about impeachment, believing it will be easier to purge Trump from the G.O.P. The Able Danger program was not terminated prematurely. The question for this Committee is to investigate how far that position extends and why. Aside from acting, she earns a decent amount of money through guest appearances, shows, reservations, and affiliate marketing. Political scientists have referred to McConnell's use of the filibuster as "constitutional hardball", referring to the misuse of procedural tools in a way that undermines democracy. However, Lt. Col. Shaffer and the other four members of Able Danger were ordered not to testify by the Department of Defense. A filibuster is an attempt to "talk a bill to death", forcing Senate leadership to abandon a proposed measure instead of waiting out the filibusteror at least to delay the measure's passage. Trump threatened a shutdown two days later", "Senate approves sweeping bill on defense, domestic spending", "McConnell knocks Dems for rejecting Trump's 'reasonable request' on border", "McConnell suggests shutdown could last for weeks", "McConnell keeps his head down as government shutdown drags on", "Senate Democrats pushed a vote to reopen the government. [2] [49] Senator Specter decided to go forward with the hearings anyway. For other uses, see, Statewide elected officials and legislative leaders of, Relationships with presidential administrations, Although McConnell has allowed reporters to examine parts of his military record and take notes, he has refused to allow copies to be made or to disclose his entire record, despite calls by his opponents to do so. [19] It stated the commission had been aware of the Able Danger program, and requested and obtained information about it from the Department of Defense, but none of the information provided had indicated the program had identified Atta or other 9/11 hijackers. "[5] This report released by the Senate Intelligence Committee copied, nearly verbatim, the United States Department of Defense Inspector General's September 2006 report on Able Danger. The CARES Act was the largest economic stimulus package in U.S. history,[156] amounting to 10% of total U.S. gross domestic product. [48] According to Purdue University political scientist Bert A. Rockman, "pure party line voting has been evident now for some time but rarely has the tactic of 'oppositionism' been so boldly stated as McConnell did. This American politeecian-relatit airticle is a stub. Senator Specter wondered if the Posse Comitatus Act may have been the reason Defense Department attorneys would not allow Able Danger to turn over information to the FBI. In 2006, Captain Field McConnell filed a federal lawsuit in Washington, DC but the case was tossed by the judge. (21 December 2021). Christine McConnell is an American baker, designer, model, host, influencer, photographer, reality star, and actress. [184] McConnell was the only Republican Senate challenger to win that year, despite Ronald Reagan's landslide victory in the presidential election. Also, he earns through bits. [15] Two 9/11 Commission members, Timothy J. Roemer and John F. Lehman, both claimed not to have received any information on Able Danger. [208][209] His second wife, whom he married in 1993, is Elaine Chao, Secretary of Labor under President George W. Bush and Secretary of Transportation under President Donald Trump. McConnell worked to withhold Republican support for major presidential initiatives during the Obama administration, having made frequent use of the filibuster, and blocked many of President Obama's judicial nominees, including Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland. Oct 2, 2012. speculates that "the 'Atta' fingered by Able Danger was really the first, 'Abu Nidal' Atta, and not the second, 9/11 'Al Qaeda' Atta", and that this may help explain this Able Danger issue. [199][200] McConnell was elected to his seventh term on November3 when he defeated McGrath. Eight days later, on June 27, 2005, Representative Curt Weldon, vice chairman of the House Armed Services and House Homeland Security committees and the principal source for the Phucas article, gave a special orders speech on the House floor detailing Able Danger: Mr. Speaker, I rise because information has come to my attention over the past several months that is very disturbing. [233][234][235], In 2015 and 2019, Time listed McConnell as one of the 100 most influential people in the world. [50] Levinson noted, "McConnell altogether rationally concluded that Republicans have nothing to gain, as a political party, from collaborating in anything that the president could then claim as an achievement. [109] McConnell announced his opposition to Kagan's confirmation, saying she was not forthcoming enough about her "views on basic principles of American constitutional law". [173] As of the second quarter of 2019, however, McConnell's ratings were 36% positive and 50% negative. "[89][90], After Trump's acquittal, McConnell was noted for his ability to block witnesses, to secure Trump's acquittal, and to maintain party unity during the impeachment process. The Posse Comitatus Act prevents the military from being engaged in law enforcement activities, including gathering information on U.S. persons, despite the aliens were not specifically United States citizens. Mohamed Atta is in the U.S. on a green card, and we are fearful of the fallout from the Waco incident. "[58][59], McConnell worked to delay and obstruct health care reform and banking reform, two of the most notable pieces of legislation that Democrats navigated through Congress early in Obama's tenure. McConnell also directed Senate Republicans in negotiations for two other COVID-19 response packages: the Coronavirus Preparedness and Response Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2020, and the CARES Act. [5][6], The program used data mining techniques to associate open source information with classified information in an attempt to make connections among individual members of terrorist groups as part of its original "intelligence preparation of the battlespace". Why doesn't Field McConnell (or any of us) have any Constitutional rights? But at What Cost? [116] Under McConnell's direction, Senate Republicans refused to take any action on the Garland nomination. [221] His personal wealth was increased after receiving a 2008 personal gift to him and his wife, given by his father-in-law James S. C. Chao after the death of McConnell's mother-in-law, whose value has been estimated to be $525million. "[69] In private, McConnell reportedly expresses disdain for Trump[70] and "abhors" his behavior. Politics, Media & News, QANON. It is most unlikely that Able Danger would have identified a terrorist called "Mohamed Atta" before May 2000. Speaking on behalf of Lt. Col. Shaffer, attorney Mark Zaid testified "Those within Able Danger were confident they weren't compiling information on US persons. Congressman Curt Weldon issued a response to the 9/11 Commission[20] clarifying the mission of Able Danger, expressing concern over the statements made by various members of the 9/11 Commission, and promising to push forward until it is understood why the DoD was unable to pass the information uncovered by Able Danger to the FBI, and why the 9/11 Commission failed to follow up on the information they were given on Able Danger. A fourth 9/11 terrorist came from the second cell. [155] The bill passed in the Senate by a vote of 908. He is senator of Kentucky syne 1985. [138], The United States federal government shut down October 117, 2013, following a failure to enact legislation to fund the government. No information obtained at the time would have led anyone to believe criminal activity had taken place or that any specific terrorist activities were being planned. [19][24] He also served as acting United States Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Legislative Affairs under President Ford in 1975. Zaid also strongly asserted on behalf of his clients. "I have briefed the Department of the Army, the Special Operations Command and the office of (Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence) Dr. Cambone as well as the 9/11 Commission. [7] He is of Scots-Irish and English descent. Major Erik Kleinsmith, who was with the Army and chief of intelligence for LIWA until February 2001, testified that he was ordered to destroy Able Danger's information. [220], In 2018, the OpenSecrets website ranked McConnell one of the wealthiest members of the U.S. Senate, with a net worth of more than $25 million. [105] In June 2009, following President Obama's nominating Sonia Sotomayor as Associate Justice, McConnell and Jeff Sessions opined that Sotomayor's seventeen years as a federal judge and over 3,600 judicial opinions would require lengthy review and advocated against Democrats hastening the confirmation process. It would appear, particularly given the Defense Department's outright refusal to allow those involved with Able Danger to testify today, that an obstructionist attitude exists. He says on Jan.19, one day before Joe Biden's inauguration, President Trump turned over control of the country to the military white hats. Nor could the interviewee recall, when questioned, any details about how he thought a link to Atta could have been made by this DOD program in 2000 or any time before 9/11. Clare McConnell is a Canadian actress and comedian known for her role as Klingon Leader Dennas on CBS's Star Trek: Discovery. [15] In 1964, at the age of 22, he attended civil rights rallies,[16] and interned with Senator John Sherman Cooper. Until the date, her major source of income is believed to be acting, and getting roles in movies. "[40] During the 9/11 Commission hearings, then-Attorney General John Ashcroft testified the wall was strengthened under the Clinton administration by Jamie Gorelick to prohibit sharing of terrorist intelligence within the federal government. McConnell has opposed stronger regulations, gun control measures and efforts to mitigate climate change. After his retirement, he continued his investigation into illegal modification of Boeing aircraft revealing the existence of the Boeing Uninterruptible Auto Pilot prior to 9/11 and the Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 disasters. [28] The Defense Department's inspector general (DoD OIG) made a similar conclusion. [145][146][147] Privately, McConnell had advised Trump against initiating the shutdown. Were historys actorsand you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do" Karl Rove (, After his retirement, he continued his investigation into illegal modification of Boeing aircraft revealing the existence of the, 1967-1971, studied at United States Naval Academy, graduating 9 June, 1971. [23], On August 14, 2005, Mike Kelly, a columnist for The (Bergen) Record (New Jersey), described a telephone interview, arranged by the staff of Rep. Curt Weldon, with a man who identified himself as a member of the Able Danger team, but asked that his name not be revealed. And while youre studying that realityjudiciously, as you willwell act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and thats how things will sort out. [20] This was a coveted position because the Reserve units were mostly kept out of combat during the Vietnam War. The treatment potentially saved him from being disabled for the rest of his life. [185], McConnell's campaign was noted for a series of television campaign spots called "Where's Dee", which featured a group of bloodhounds trying to find Huddleston,[186][bettersourceneeded][187] implying that Huddleston's attendance record in the Senate was poor. The Pentagon describes the witnesses as "credible" but stated that the document which allegedly mentioned Atta could not be found. Join our radio network Today as we host great Live guests and play the best picks of recent recorded shows >> truthcentralradio.com. [210], In May 2019, McConnell's brother-in-law Gordon Hartogensis, who is married to Chao's sister Grace, was confirmed by the U.S. Senate as director of the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC), a part of the Labor Department. [4], The Senate panel of investigators said there was no evidence DoD lawyers stopped analysts from sharing findings with the FBI before the attacks. [26] Weldon gave a talk at the Heritage Foundation with a chart he described as the one handed over on May 23, 2002. [19], In 2014, McConnell faced Louisville businessman Matt Bevin in the Republican primary. [59], In January 2017, Republican president Donald Trump nominated Neil Gorsuch to fill the Supreme Court vacancy left after Scalia's death. The inspector sent the old I-94 and the corrected I-94 to the contractor which data enters I-94s for the INS. [179] McConnell has supported stronger border security, free trade agreements and reductions in taxes. [145][146][147], By January 23, McConnell had blocked four Senate bills to reopen the government and a bill funding the Homeland Security Department through February 8. [citation needed] Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist did not seek re-election in the 2006 elections. The Department of Defense released a report addressing the issue of two possible individuals with the last name of Atta and explaining that it was basically a clerical error. Weighing this with the information about Atta's actual activities, the negligible information available about Atta to other U.S. government agencies and the German government before 9/11, and the interviewer's assessment of the interviewee's knowledge and credibility, the Commission staff concluded that the officer's account was not sufficiently reliable to warrant revision of the report or further investigation.[19]. If this election were overturned by mere allegations from the losing side, our democracy would enter a death spiral. [136] In September 2020, following the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, he announced the Senate would vote on Trump's nominated replacement. [164] Democrats panned the bill as "completely inadequate" given the scope of the crisis brought on by the COVID-19[165] and as a partisan maneuver to help Republican senators up for reelection.
The anti-terrorist program, Able Danger, did not identify Mohamed Atta or any other 9/11 terrorists before the 9/11 attack. [202] He was married to his first wife, Sherrill Redmon, from 1968 to 1980 and had three daughters, Porter, Eleanor (Elly), and Claire. [14], McConnell attended the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, where Martin Luther King Jr. gave the "I Have a Dream" speech. [203][204][205] Porter McConnell is the campaign director for Take on Wall Street, a left-wing advocacy coalition. [195][196], In the November 2020 general election, McConnell faced Democratic nominee Amy McGrath, a former Marine fighter pilot; and Libertarian nominee Brad Barron, a businessman and farmer. The Senate Judiciary Committee first attempted to investigate the matter for the Senate in September, 2005. FIELD MCCONNELL UPDATE!!!! According to The New York Times, Obama's final two years as president saw 18 district court judges and one appeals court judge confirmed, the fewest since President Harry S. Truman. [223][228], Host Jon Stewart repeatedly mocked McConnell on The Daily Show for his resemblance to a turtle or tortoise. Additionally, she is the daughter of Ken McDonnell and Michelle McDonnell and a sister to Isabelle and Lochlan McDonnell. [133][134] McConnell afterward admitted the confirmation process was a low point for the Senate, but also downplayed reports of dysfunction in the Senate; he said claims that the Senate was "somehow broken over this [were] simply inaccurate". Pentagon officials said they were unaware that any Able Danger material named Atta. Paul withdrew from the race following the Iowa caucus, and McConnell endorsed presumptive nominee Donald Trump on May 4, 2016. [215], In February 2003, McConnell underwent a triple heart bypass surgery in relation to blocked arteries at National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland. It helps to know Mitch McConnell", "PBGC Director Nominee Gets Kicked Back to Trump", "Senate Confirms Gordon Hartogensis as Director of PBGC", "Roll Call Vote 116th Congress 1st Session", "The Long Rifleman Louisville-Thruston Chapter", "Mitch McConnell - Net Worth - Personal Finances", "McConnell called 'Midnight Mitch' for controversial proposed impeachment trial rules", "Mitch McConnell responds to Trump's 'Old Crow' insult: 'It's quite an honor', "Mitch McConnell responds to 'Daily Show' turtle impersonation", "Jon Stewart Takes 'Slow-Talking Tortoise-Man' Mitch McConnell to Task Again (Video)", "What is McConnelling? "There were two sets, classified and unclassified, and also an 'all sorts,'" which contained a blend of the two, "plus charts we'd produced." This is a political process. [142], From December 22, 2018, until January 25, 2019, the federal government was shut down when Congress refused to give in to Trump's demand for $5.7billion in federal funds for a U.S.Mexico border wall. Field McConnell was a great part of exposing his own evil sister (Kristine Marcy) and . [18][115] "The American people should have a voice in the selection of their next Supreme Court justice. [102], On May 28, 2021, McConnell voted against creating an independent commission to investigate the January 6 United States Capitol attack. 5. "[56], In 2012, McConnell proposed a measure allowing President Obama to raise the debt ceiling, hoping some Democratic senators would oppose the measure, thus demonstrating disunity among Democrats. [20][22] After five weeks at Fort Knox, he was honorably discharged. Field McConnell. He has criticized proposed legislation by House Democrats such as the Green New Deal and Medicare for All,[178] and was criticized by Nancy Pelosi for withholding votes on measures passed by the Democratic-controlled House during his time as Senate Majority Leader, including the For the People Act of 2019, the Equality Act and the Paycheck Fairness Act. CIA will never provide that to you because if you were successful in your effort to target Al Qaeda, you will steal our thunder. [232], During the 2014 campaign season, McConnell was lampooned for posting campaign B-roll footage online for use by allied PACs. ", "McConnell won't agree to reconvene Senate early for impeachment trial", "In Senate vote, McConnell opposes Trump impeachment trial's constitutionality", "Mitch McConnell delayed Trump's impeachment trial. Units were mostly kept out of combat during the Vietnam War Fort Knox, he was quoted as.. 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