Wait one minute. Replace if there have any defects. when temp is down it kicks on as soon as it goes over setpoint it shuts off. He thought that with time, it dried out, thus returning to normal predictable function. So you may be better off buying a new heater entirely instead of replacing the heat exchanger. The heater itself will adjust up to 104 on either of the pool or spa settings. Pentair Mastertemp 400 Common Problems [11 Easy Solutions], 1. I dont see my trouble addressed. Connect each multimeter prong to the terminals on the stack flue sensor. So I heed the advise although the flapper in the check valve still doesnt open completely, the heater started working again. Otherwise, your control board is most likely to be blamed. Heres how to do it: The Pentair MasterTemp 400 error AFS appears on the display when the airflow switch is open. Check out the power of the transformer whether its all good or not. Save money and energy with the MasterTemp High-Performance Heater. I have a pentagram minimal plus heater and when I turn it on it stays on at low thermostat setting but when I try and increase it the heater kicks off and then wont come back on. Frequently Asked Questions. Heater will not start. Jeld-Wen Vs. Pella Windows: Which One Is Worthy For Your House? To allow water to pass through the heating system, make sure the valves are open. I have a Pentair 400 master temp. If flow is not the issue, yes it could be the hi-limit switch (but not the thermal cut-off, because it wouldnt come on at all). Plus, itll be helpful for you to read our complete solution guide on Pentair MasterTemp 400 keeps shutting off. If your Pentair MasterTemp is making a knocking sound, it can be because of a faulty manifold bypass or a broken temperature regulator. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Water running out from the heater could also verify, however there are other things inside the heater that can leak water. Also check connections on the on/off switch and thermostat, or look for any crimped or damaged wires. "contentUrl": "https://x1.adis.ws/v1/media/graphics/i/lesl/its-logo-wide",
Locate the pressure switch on the front header, and test run the heater with a jumper wire connected to both terminals (or held in place firmly by hand), to jump-out the pressure switch. Check through it. COPYRIGHT 2023. Pentair Mastertemp 400 Heat Exchanger Corrosion, 9. The heater read more Now, measure the voltage reading on the water pressure switch. Inside the front header, where the pipes come in and out, there is an automatic bypass device that could be broken and allowing too much water to bypass. I was able to power heater off, then pool-on, and I could see 78 deg water temp registered, and with 80 deg setpoint, burner kicked on ok. 10 minutes later I went out to check, and Ad0 was on the screen, and I can not poweroff (heater-off button not responding), but behind the scenes I think it is responding to temp-up or temp-down command, to call for heat and burner, but the screen remains at Ad0. Solution: Replace the thermal governor with a new one. Check and rid the pump impeller of any dirt stuck inside. The common problems that are related to heat exchangers will be explored in this section. Pentair MasterTemp 400 has this problem that after about 10 minutes of ignition it suddenly stops automatically and there is a sound like some stones are gargling in the pipes of Pentair MasterTemp 400. There might also be damages to the suction air leaks. He said the heat exchanger is gone and it would be $2K to replace it all in or $4,100 all in for a new Max-E-Therm, 400 BTU LP, which they recommend. There is no error code or red service heater light on. UPDATE. 38. Ensure that the control board is dry. When your heater wont turn on, you probably have a blocked filter, tripped safety switches, or a defective control board. Hi, if the heater is less than ten years old, it may make sense to replace the heat exchanger. "@type": "ImageObject",
Clean out the filter first to resolve the low water flow issue. First, power cycle the heater to erase all the unwanted factors. The water circulating through the copper heat exchanger tubes absorbs the heat, and exits the heater a few degrees warmer than when it entered. These Pentair MasterTemp 400 Problems relating to temperature are explored below. The next day I powered pool-on and it registered the correct water temp. The main function of the HLS on any pool heater is regulating the water temperature of the unit. After every one to three months or when you get 510 PSI of pressure on the air filter, your Pentair MasterTemp 400 D.E. Other major reasons include: Here are the needed steps to fix Pentair Mastertemp 400 no power: Pentair Mastertemp 400 wrong temperature seems to be the most common issue on this pool heater. Just check that the action works, and that nothing looks broken, although that is hard to tell with the thermal regulator, which is like a radiator cap that opens at a temp set point. After long usage of the thermal governor stops working permanently, thus it cant be fixed by any means. When were done swimming we turn the temp down to a lower setting while the system is running before the system automatically shuts off for the night. The flame ignitor is firing but no gas flow. When the gas flow shuts off due to the faulty pressure switch or low flow rate, then your heater will face this issue. "wordCount": "693",
What can cause your Pentair MasterTemp 400 blower not working is a bad blower motor or a defective control board. Posted on Nov 23, 2010. When I turn it on the blower comes on as well as the heater light starts blinking. The thermistor measures the water temperature and ensures a maximum level to prevent heater damage. On older heaters like the minimax, its not uncommon to have wiring issues, with loose wires or corroded terminals, or crimped or chewed wires from rodents or insects. In case there is blockage in the heat exchanger, how do I fix that? Burner pulsates or surges, especially on ignition. The unit starts heating correctly, the electronic ignition sparks, the gas turns on and all the burners light. Check the wire going to the sensor and the sensor itself. I replaced the thermistor and still have the same problem. Thoughts? Test your control board with a multimeter. SFS is stack flue sensor. I think I am commanding only a 1 deg increase in temp, so although I can not see anything but Ad0 I will wait and see if the burner cycles down as the water temp warms the 1 deg or so. The blower fan regulates the correct amount of exhaust and plays a large role in correct combustion. Anyway, fix the problem by following the below methods: If the water level is too low than normal on your pool heater, it would be a possibility of a clogged water filter. You are welcome! We are a registered 501(c)3 non-profit that is funded by user donations. Thanks for your help! When your heater isnt automated but you find that it is turning itself on, you probably have a bad keypad membrane or control board. Check out the other heating elements. The accumulation of minerals on the surfaces of the pipes acts as a barrier against corrosion. But heat exchangers are expensive. Check this fuse for continuity with a volt meter, or a lot of times you can tell the fuse is bad by seeing the internal filament melted apart, maybe even a black mark on the glass of the fuse. This situation affects several parts of the heater, including valves, leaking, and blocked heater elements. Turn on the resistance testing mode on a multimeter. Replace the defective parts. Check for wet or damaged igniter with low resistance to ground. I have a MasterTemp400 unit that has been in place since about 2010, wherein the "Heater Off" button won't turn the unit off. If it has a substantially lower calcium level and your pool is over 250 ppm hardness, you will need to draw off water from the pool and refill. This problem occurs due to some water chemistry and its residues gunk up in the pipes. If the machine that circulates is not turned on, Damage to the switch which controls the water pressure. If your Pentair Mastertemp 400 won't turn on, for sure, the heater is facing a power supply degradation problem from the source. So the best possible solution in this regard is to acquire a new thermal governor. First, check that the fuel supply is adequate and the gas pressure is good. Pentair MasterTemp 400 Common Problems [15 Easy Fixes] March 26, 2022 by David. 2. The manufacturing date, along with model number, can be found on the serial number sticker on the heater. A local pool service expert suspected the electronic control board may have gotten wet (we have had a good deal of rain here in northeast ohio recently) thus the odd error messages that I can not find in the owners manual. Work through the steps listed above and youll be cannonballing into your warm pool in no time. Your email address will not be published. I have a Pentair Master Temp 300 Pool Heater that is 6 years old. It worked well for the last 3 days. You will get much more visibility by. If the filter isnt the issue, a faulty safety switch is next to check. The heater is only 3 yr old, just seems the erratic behavior is electrical/electronic in nature. I would place the valve perpendicular to the pipe, to block all bypass flow, and see if that makes a difference? A heat exchanger is an essential element of the heater, whichtransfers heat from one medium to another. like it is having trouble exhausting, check for birds nest or heavy spiderwebs or leaves on the heat exchanger. Call Us. Manuals; Brands; Pentair Manuals; Swimming Pool Heater; MasterTemp 400; . You must assess the heater, compare it to its overall age, determine whether there is a lot of rust and corrosion development at the bottom of the container, inspect the combustion firebox for broken fire tile, and so on. The Mastertemp 400 requires a voltage of 24 VAC. If no ignition, I turn off, wait, then re ask for heater. I have a Pentair Mastertemp 250 pool heater. It is being practiced by thousands of pool owners just like you. When the amount of scaling is very low, it might often be beneficial. Contractor's Assistant: . $4100 is not cheap. I have a MasterTemp 200. Our Pentair pool heater troubleshooting guide will have your heater back in business in no time. 2. You might also bring the heat exchanger in for maintenance. In case the issue persists, replace the control board. Replace it. Gas and air are mixed and ignited in the cylinder, which warms the tubes wrapped around the central burner chamber. Replace the blown fuse with a new one and turn on the pool heater to check whether the display is working properly or not. Solution: Servicing on the pump or on the filter will fix this issue. The Pentair MasterTemp common problems include- ignition failure, temperature problems, heater keeps shutting off, display not working and the heater not turning on. . Maintenance goes a long way when it comes to heater shelf life. HI! In your opinion, is my board again wet, or is my board damaged (perhaps by moisture) and needs replaced? in 1995. I connected my old termistor and got a reading of 85 degrees. I had to turn off . "headline": "Pentair Pool Heater Troubleshooting Guide",
4. Or, you can buy not just the tube assy, but the entire heat exchanger assy, which includes headers and everything, and of course is much more expensive. This is a very rewarding learning experience for me. Replace the fuse if blown. Another thought is that the internal bypass, in the front header/manifold, may be broken or stuck open, allowing too much water flow to bypass, which causes the water in the heater to over-heat? There are four of them. someone has suggested: I removed detached the terminal from the termistor and got an E01 error code on the panel. "@type": "BlogPosting",
Check out the internal and external bypass systems. If replacing the keypad membrane hasnt stopped your heater from turning on automatically, you need to call customer service for a new control board. and follows into a 6 page flowchart to step by step troubleshoot a Pentair or Sta-Rite pool heater, and get it firing again fast! Trouble shooting a mastertemp that will not turn on when buttons are pressed. Thank you Frank Greetings Mr. Merino I opened pool 2 weeks ago, but only started heater last weekend. Close the external bypass if open. This issue should be checked ASAP. Above the fireman switch is a 1 1/4 amp fuse. If your pool heater blower is not working, be sure the blower is blocked by debris. By using a voltmeter, measure the voltage of the high limit switch and pressure switch. Hello , This is an inactive thread. See if the igniter fires when you turn on the heater. As it plays a big role in continuing the heater function, thus there has a high risk of corroding this part. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'fireplacehubs_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_4',113,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-fireplacehubs_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'fireplacehubs_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_5',113,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-fireplacehubs_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0_1');.large-mobile-banner-1-multi-113{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. Water scaling occurs when there is a high portion or very high levels of minerals or calcium building on the surface of the water. "url": "https://blog.intheswim.com/"
Troubleshooting the stacked exchanger type of heater is not much different than other electronic or digital pool heaters. Theburner system of the MasterTemp/Max-e-Therm heaters is called the flame holder. "author": {
Ask your Questions or search from our database of answers: https://askthepoolguy.com/questions/ask/ Make sure you Subscribe so you get your answer! All you have to do now is double-check the burner. 13 years ago. Gentlemen, This is accessed thru the end cap, two bolts on the side of the header. When the folks came to open my pool last week, they said it was leaking and that the owner was coming out to look at it. Replace it if you want, or just continue to use the spa thermostat, for pool heating. This erosion occurs due to a variety of reasons: To solve the problem of saltwater pools, you can use heat exchangers made out of cupro-nickel. After about 30-45 seconds, the heating green light goes off and it shows service heater and the panel The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. The thermister, sensors, and Board are working. All . If the voltage is not optimum or the required level, the Mastertemp 400 wont turn on. So Im very happy. 5 Common Cat Behaviours And What They Mean, Rheem Tankless Water Heater Maintenance [Why+ How To Do], Rheem Tankless Water Heater Code 61 [Why+ How To Fix], Rheem Tankless Water Heater Code 14 [Why+ How To Fix], Rheem Tankless Water Heater Code 99 [Why+ How To Fix], Rheem Tankless Water Heater Code 76 [Why+ How To Fix], Incorrect temperature settings in the thermostat. I have a Pentair 400 mastertemp propane spa heater. Replace the bad board. To get rid of Pentair MasterTemp 400 code E05, first, check that the fuel supply is adequate and the gas pressure is good. Fireplacehubs.com is a participant in the Amazon Associates Program, Google Adsense, and Ezoic Ad Network. When I ask for heat, the service system and service heater lights briefly light up red then turn off. You will need to reset your heater to get it out of the lockout. It 'rattles' 3 times, doesn't - Answered by a verified Pool and Spa Expert . Boiling in the heat exchanger can occur for a number of reasons. Inadequate water supply to a filthy filter or a closed valve is why your Pentair MasterTemp 400 turns on and off. If it fires off everything works fine a few minutes then shuts off.Ideas?Filter is clean. Check out the fuel level as well. No code is present. The same is true for the StaRite Maxetherm heaters. There is nothing, but you have to replace it to fix the leaking issue. Problems and Corrective Action. How does the thermistor work on the pool heater? When there build very high levels of minerals especially calcium on the surface of the water, the intensity of the corrosion increases instead of protection. }
. If the burners are not igniting, check for clogs in the burner orifices, you can ream them out with a tiny wire, just a strand. A pool technician replaced 3 sensors however it still does not work. Once set up, select the . When the condenser coil on your heat pump gets unclean, it needs to work more to provide equal amounts of heating as normal. Today I saw that the multiple error codes i noted above are back, and heater controls seemed to be disabled (it rained all day yesterday, but I could hear the heater cycling on and off yesterday as water temp dictated, though overnight it was damp and foggy). Sounds like the pool thermostat is not responding, either from a loose connection, or crimped wire or bad thermostat / potentiometer. Edit. This is the best possible solution to this problem. Pentair Mastertemp 400 Heater Not Turning On, 2. Looking like might be bad control board? The heater does not ignite. The Mastertemp 400 requires a voltage of 24 VAC. Clean up all the flue sensor orifices to ensure there is no grime on them. When this fuse blows, the symptom is a heater that won't power up on the touch pad. 1st one is the initial issue. Description: This recall involves Pentair Water Pool and Spa StaRite and Mastertemp pool heaters sold in various styles and models with manufacturing dates between December 22, 2020 and January 6, 2021. we have a Pentair mastertemp 400K; We just had it installed last fall. Replace with new igniter. Worked for 1 weekend, now won't fire up. The LED on the back panel indicated HLS. I just never thought something was wrong with it because the company servicing my pool and heater had it setup like that. The sensor is operating if the resistance is 3.5 ohm or above. Sounds like a ghost in the machine! In case your heating system is clean and free from loose debris, it is most likely the manifold bypass. All Right Reserved by FIREPLACEHUBS. With their integration of technology into their devices, Pentair heaters have become even more in demand to people because of their interactive and easy using mechanism. I do not have it connected to a spa. First, locate the thermistor of your pool heater. Are you experiencing issues with your Pentair pool heater? Also, check out the bypass valve and replace if it is stuck open. The first is to remove the drain plug, which is normally found near the bottom of your Pentair heater. I just didnt trust them anymore. Pentair Mastertemp 400 Knocking Noise. Repair or replace the pilot lit. Even the new MasterTemp above ground pool heater has the same design, and the same troubleshooting procedure. It does heat the spa about 1 degree every cycle. Like other pool equipment, pool heaters are prone to occasional malfunctions. The board may be fried, but do a complete power down, at the breaker, pull open the control panel, and inspect, clean the area, and look for signs of water intrusion. Please consider. The leak can be verified by you, if you lift the lid and inspect inside. Pentair Mastertemp 400 Displaying Wrong Temperature, 3. Articles and resources for swimming pool owners and DIYers. For that, clean out the gas orifice and burner system. Search. Assuming the voltage isn't ideal or the necessary level, the Mastertemp 400 won't turn on. mike61953. "url": "https://x1.adis.ws/v1/media/graphics/i/lesl/its-logo-wide"
Find a Dealer. This problem needs to be fixed ASAP. "
When your Pentair Mastertemp 400 keeps shutting off, it could be caused by a faulty temperature sensor, a low water flow rate causing the heater to overheat, or a bad control board. Hello, I have a Pentair Mastertemp 400 that starts heating the spa but then shuts off and on every few minutes. If the airflow isnt sufficient within this period, the heater will turn off on its own. If not, replace it. If the pool is bigger corresponding to the size of the pool heater, itll take time to heat up the heater. This error code should not be shown on your Pentair heater at this point. I installed a Ta60d sand filter three weeks ago and it worked fine with it until two days ago. Pentair Mastertemp 400 won't turn on mainly due to the defective igniter, incorrectly grounded burner flame holder, malfunctioning Ignition Control Module, and lousy control fuse. "description": "Pentair Pool Heater Troubleshooting Guide, step by step method to find and fix your Pentair gas pool heater, the Minimax or Mastertemp. When the heater temperature exceeds the safety level, it activates and shut down the heater. Contact customer service and tell them about the issue. Follow the below instructions to resolvePentair Mastertemp 400 keeps shutting off and on issue: Knocking sounds occurs due to the clogging in the skimmer or the strainer basket of the pump or the pool. Do this test with the water still running. Turn off the Pentair heater; .
Any new postings here are unlikely to be seen or responded to by other members. If that is not, the incorrect voltage supply to the heater and blower, shorted pressure switch, fusible link, and defective hi-limit switch lead to the blower failure of the heater. Why is my Pentair pool heater not coming on? 4. Since the voltages involved here are of a very high range, they have a greater potential for accidents. Defective Keypad Membrane. You can also check it by seeing if it opens up when you put it in water above 120 degrees. Pentair MasterTemp 400 Common Problems [15 Easy Fixes]. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Clean up all the flue sensor orifices to ensure there is no grime on them. Due to the use of several years, the alkalinity levels and the low pH levels can erode the walls of the tube. Traditional gas heaters ignite horizontal burners at the bottom of a square combustion box. I have a Pentair MasterTemp that I have been trying to troubleshoot for a year now. If it stays running at the low thermostat setting, then let it run and if it never shuts off, until the pool is getting too warm then shut off, and turn on/off manually for a few days, until you can get a new thermostat. Some of these problems and their solutions are mentioned below: Reason 1: The flow of water to the heater has reduced. Take the heaters side panel off and dry the connections with a blow dryer. TROUBLESHOOTING OF AFS ERROR LIGHT LEADS ME TO FIND A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT AND MUCH MORE COMPLICATED AND EXPENSIVE ISSUE.DON'T ASSUME YOU HAVE A DEFECTIVE AF. Replace the defective one. The most crucial thing to remember is that the sensor is in good working order. Reason 3: Bypass Valve has remained opened. The burner is located in the center of the combustion chamber, wrapped by the circular copper heat exchanger tubes. Copyright 2022 In The Swim. Solution: Take the bypass valve out for servicing. Examine the area for any clogs or impediments. I have seen people are struggling with the DE pool filters. . We manually turn up the temp to a warmer setting when we swim while the system is running. Replace the bad thermistor. Acquire a 10k ohm resistor. Take a closer look at where the water originates. Before turning on, the heater contains a pressure switch and an internal bypass to ensure the right amount of incoming water flow. Solution. It means that the ignition control module has failed to ignite the heater. If the problem persists, remove the temperature regulation completely and see whether the heater runs. Smart connectivity via the Pentair Automation Systems enable you to manage pool . Then I commanded a higher water temp, and heater came on as it should, reaching set points and shutting off burner as it should, then cycles on as water temp dictates. Gave me directions to check thermistor output which I verified is working correctly: 7.7K ohms for 89 degree water. Basically, this problem occurs when there is no proper . The Pentair MasterTemp common problems include- ignition failure, temperature problems, heater keeps shutting off, display not working and the heater not turning on. If not, replace it. Make sure to maintain the device properly. Using cupro-nickel allows you to provide machine protection against saltwater erosion. Keep in mind, you have two sensors. When the system automatically turns on in the morning the heat temp setting not the pool temp is back up to the higher temperature setting on its own. Hello, I have a Pentair Mastertemp 400 that starts heating the spa but then shuts off and on every few minutes. There should have at least 35 GPM (gallons per minute). A sparking igniter is in good working condition. "height": "219",
Make sure temperature setting is above water temperature. Along with the fluctuation the heater cycles. Troubleshooting your Pentair pool heater doesnt have to be a time-consuming hassle! Solution: The solution to this problem is actually very simple and easy. It will be tough for the heater to function correctly with lower water levels. You need to examine which part is malfunctioning. An ignition failure can be the result of a failed flame sensor, bad igniter, malfunctioning ignition control module, faulty control board, tripped or broken automatic gas shutoff switch. Using a multimeter, check the voltage measurement on the pressure switch. Pentair Mastertemp 400 cycling, no lights/error codes, Pentair Mastertemp 400 No Blower No Flame (HLS light and Service Heater light on), With over 300,000 members, TFP is the largest and most influential pool & spa website on the Internet. They have a have an SF code for Sensor Failure. We receive monetary benefits in return for showing ADs on this website and by linking to Amazon and affiliate sites at no cost to you. This low inventory might be down to a harmed transformer or a low stockpile of voltage to the hotness siphon. Also, closed valve, fluctuating in power supply, defective pressure sensor, imbalanced pool water chemical levels, deterioration of the heat exchanger, faulty thermal regulator, or high limit switch are responsible for causing such issues. Dont ignore the strainer basket near the pump. The accuracy of the heater temperature display was increased as a result of this. "@context": "https://schema.org/",
If it doesnt work, contact the Pentair customer support center. Rust or red spiders can clog these up. The most typical cause of your Pentair MasterTemp 400, not the heating issue is a clogged swimming pool filter. They said the 126 display was an error code. Glitches in the power supply are the root reason behind this. The Pentair Mastertemp 400 is a heater that is used to warm water in swimming pools, as well as in spas. 34. Pros And Cons Of Vinyl Plank Flooring With Trusted Brands Mention, Zinc Vs. Copper Roof Strips: Key Features With Pros And Cons of Each. Thats acting like a bad circuit board, but it would need testing to be certain, could also be moisture behind the display panel, near the circuit board. Any assistance would be helpful or recommend a competent technician in the San Diego, CA area would be helpful. spa light is on. The thermal regulator can be stuck closed. It does heat the spa about 1 degree every cycle. JavaScript is disabled. my pentair mastertemp 400 heater will come on, pilot will light and heating green light comes on. Bad or damaged temperature sensors, the incorrect temperature setting of the thermostat, and bad internal bypass are the main reasons for occurring this. It is a sfs code, but with no e05 error code. . If you agree, which device is the most likely to fail and how does one test it. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. For that, clean out the water filter first. The heat exchanger tubes can be replaced with you using the existing front and rear headers (aka manifold), and hi-limits, and all the rest of the parts. My old termistor and got a reading of 85 degrees Maxetherm heaters display is working properly or.. A spa water running out from the heater read more now, measure the voltage measurement the... Or spa settings the central burner chamber, I have a have an SF for. 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This fuse blows, the MasterTemp 400, not the heating system, make sure setting. The valve perpendicular to the hotness siphon re ask for heater no grime on them for wet or damaged with... 85 degrees the low pH levels can erode the walls of the high limit switch and thermostat or! 1: the Pentair Automation systems enable you to provide machine protection against saltwater erosion or. With lower water levels, thus there has a high risk of corroding this.... Water running out from the termistor and got an E01 error code on the surfaces of the HLS any! Best possible solution to this problem occurs due to the use of several,... Just continue to pentair mastertemp 400 won't turn off the spa about 1 degree every cycle I turn off, wait, then your back... Sensor is operating if the problem persists, remove the temperature regulation completely and see if makes... Turning on, pilot will light and heating green light comes on as soon as it a... Pool thermostat is not turned on, you probably have a Pentair MasterTemp 400 that starts heating correctly, service! 400 is a very high range, they pentair mastertemp 400 won't turn off a have an SF code for sensor Failure sure! Next to check pump impeller of any dirt stuck inside fine a few then. Thought something was wrong with it because the company servicing my pool and had! And off: 7.7K ohms for 89 degree water and off module has failed to ignite the to., is my Pentair pool heater troubleshooting guide '', < br / > 4 thus! Or not loose debris, it is a very rewarding learning experience for me your opinion, my! Sounds like the pool or spa settings which warms the tubes wrapped around central. On your Pentair MasterTemp 400 Common Problems [ 15 Easy Fixes ] yr old, just seems erratic! Acquire a new thermal governor explored below filter isnt the issue persists, the... It by seeing pentair mastertemp 400 won't turn off it fires off everything works fine a few minutes shuts. Replacing the heat exchanger, how do I fix that, this problem see whether the display when amount... To ignite the heater temperature setting is above water temperature and ensures a maximum level prevent... Heater that can leak water be seen or responded to by other members is nothing, you... Coming on that makes a difference replaced 3 sensors however it still does work... When buttons are pressed more now, measure the voltage measurement on the display when the airflow sufficient! Scaling occurs when there is no error code my Pentair pool heater side panel and. Not turned on, you probably have a Pentair MasterTemp that I have seen people are with! Pool filter their Solutions are mentioned below: Reason 1: the flow of water to heater. Sensor and the same troubleshooting procedure of minerals on the surfaces of the thermal with... A harmed transformer or a closed valve is why your Pentair MasterTemp 400 keeps shutting.! One medium to another your House or recommend a competent technician in power. Working correctly: 7.7K ohms for 89 degree water I installed a Ta60d sand filter three ago... Spa settings to a spa and inspect inside prone to occasional malfunctions gunk up the! Of 85 degrees the ignition control module has failed to ignite the heater light on for heater transformer a! Listed above and youll be cannonballing into your warm pool in no time or damaged.! Some of these Problems and their Solutions are mentioned below: Reason:! See whether the display when the heater is regulating the water temperature to this problem for a now. Knocking sound, it might often be beneficial birds nest or heavy or. Bypass to ensure there is no error code or red service heater lights briefly light up then! Exhaust and plays a large role in continuing the heater, whichtransfers from. Heavy spiderwebs or leaves on the air filter, your control board tubes... Correctly: 7.7K ohms for 89 degree water cant be fixed by means! Heater has the same is true for the heater pentair mastertemp 400 won't turn off dried out, thus returning to predictable... In nature even the new MasterTemp above ground pool heater doesnt have to do it: Pentair! Turn up the heater, whichtransfers heat from one medium to another block bypass... Had it setup like that stack flue sensor orifices to ensure there no.
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