#3 Probation Violation Fel F Arrest Agency: Rss-Dcso Case Number: 22-0464 ORS: 161.405 While the people on this Douglas County Most Wanted page are mostly a danger to the public, imagine how big of a page it would be if every one of us who broke the law were to be placed on it? Arrest Date: 04/24/2022 All people featured here are presumed innocent until found guilty by a court of law. #2 Parole Violation X Case Number: 23-0709 #3 Violation Of Restraining Order M Name: JESSE LEE PROFFITT Booking Date: 4/24/2022 12:00:21 AM Age: 23 Booking Date: 3/1/2023 6:21:15 PM Inmate Number: P00076583 Age: 30 #2 Criminal Mischief in the Second Degree M Arrest Date: 02/28/2023 Arrest Agency: Rsp-Roseburg Pd Sex: Male #25 Theft in the Second DegreeNd Deg M Sex: Female Age: 45 The information and photos presented on this site have . Age: 33 Douglas County Bookings. Case Number: 23-0951 Arrest Agency: Rsp-Roseburg Pd Booking Date: 2/24/2023 2:50:02 PM ORS: 164.245 Booking Date: 3/1/2023 11:41:22 AM Article 347; 347 juncto 72 juncto 73: manslaughter, complicity in manslaughter and/or participation in manslaughter. Arrest Agency: Dnt-Dint ORS: 166.065A Arrest Date: 03/01/2023 Arrest Date: 03/01/2023 Arrest Agency: Rss-Dcso ORS: 166.025 Booking Date: 4/24/2022 6:40:18 AM Arrest Agency: Rsn-PAmp;P Rsbg Office Booking Date: 6/19/2022 1:50:17 PM Sex: Female #3 Criminal Mischief in the Second Degree M Booking Date: 3/1/2023 12:40:53 PM Estimates are that the number of people with active warrants right now is well over 5 million. Douglas County Mugshots : Feb-14-2023 - Feb-15-2023 February 16, 2023 Information on this page was obtained from the website of the Douglas County Jail which is public domain. Wanted for: Conspiracy to Distribute MethamphetaminePossession with Intent to Distribute Methamphetamine. Case Number: 22-0686 Article 188: participation in a criminal organization: Anyone who participates in an organization which he knows or has serious reason to suspect has as its object the commission of crimes. The group, when it was active, claimed to have caused $100 million worth of damages with arson attacks on companies, properties and vehicles that they believed caused unforgivable damage to the environment. Arrest Date: 02/25/2023 NOTE: Starting 1/1/2022, Oregon HB 3273 prohibits the release of booking photos unless a person has been convicted. Inmate Number: P00084115 ORS: 811.140 Inmate Number: P00084001 Age: 61 Case Number: 22-3007, - Advertisement - If you come across them, do not attempt to apprehend them yourself. Jail: Douglas County Jail Sex: Male, #1 Criminal Trespass in the Second Degree M Arrest Agency: Rss-Dcso Case Number: 23-0760 Bergstaller is currently wanted Canada Wide out of Vancouver, British Columbia. Last Known Address: Domincan, Wanted for: Violent Crimes in Aid of RacketeeringConspiracy to Commit Violent Crimes in Aid of RacketeeringConspiracy To Kidnap a Federal AgentKidnapping of a Federal AgentFelony Murder of a Federal AgentAiding and AbettingAccessory After the Fact, Additional Information: Case Number: 22-1723, Photo from booking on 4/18/2021 12:00:00 AM Location: ROSEBURG, #1 Assault 2nd Deg F Last Known Address: 300 31st St P, Cedar Rapids, IA Iowa, Additional Information: Jail: Douglas County Jail Wanted for: Homicide, terrorist organization, Wanted for: Terrorist Organizations, homicide. Only a few cases per day are actually resolved with either a plea deal or the culmination of a trial. #3 Strangulation-Felony F #3 Disorderly Conduct 1st Deg M Arrest Date: 02/25/2023 ORS: 164.215 Arrest Agency: Rsp-Roseburg Pd Case Number: 23-1028, Name: JERARD NICKOLAS STAFFORD ORS: 164.775 ORS: 813.010A #3 Unlawful Use Of Weapon F #4 Theft in the Second DegreeNd Deg M Wanted for: Article 349; 349 juncto 72 juncto 73: murder; complicity in murder and/or participation in murder. Arrest Agency: Rsp-Roseburg Pd Location: ROSEBURG, #1 Parole Violation X Arrest Date: 04/25/2022 3 - 21 usc 846 & 841 (b) (1) (A) - conspiracy to distribute & to possess with intent to distribute over 5 kilograms of cocaineCt. Location: ROSEBURG, #1 Felon In Possession Of A Restricted Weapon M Age: 38 Arrest Agency: Rss-Dcso Take no action to apprehend this person yourself. Case Number: 22-2587 Arrest Agency: Sip-Sutherlin Pd Arrest Agency: Rsp-Roseburg Pd Age: 47 On any given day about 1.8 million of them are occupied by the recently arrested, those awaiting trial, and those convicted who are serving terms from 30 days to life. Arrest Agency: Rss-Dcso Arrest Date: 02/28/2023 Court Phone: NEXT, Photo from booking on 5/8/2021 12:00:00 AM Arrest Agency: Other Location: ROSEBURG, #1 Criminal Mischief in the Third DegreeRd Deg M Location: EAGLE POINT, #1 Agency Hold Mis M ORS: 144.350 #2 Probation Violation Misd M So do the math imagine how overwhelmed jails and the courts would be if every person wanted by the police were to turn themselves in all at once. DCSO released the following statement at 7:58 a.m. on February 28: A disturbance at the Roseburg Senior Center, which was being utilized as a temporary warming center for Booking Date: 2/25/2023 9:30:26 PM Arrest Date: 04/25/2022 Age: 31 #6 Unauthorized Use Motor Vehicle F Wanted for: Conspiracy to Distribute and Possess with Intent to Distribute Controlled Substances, Additional Information: Age: 32, #1 Driving Under The Influence Of Intoxicants Duii M Arrest Date: 02/28/2023 Jail: Douglas County Jail Arrest Agency: Mcp-Myrtle Creek Pd Arrest Agency: Rsp-Roseburg Pd Inmate Number: P00081137 At approximately 3 am, the accused, Ali Omer MOHAMED attended the same apartment and started drinking with the victim. Age: 26 Jail: Douglas County Jail #17 Harassment (Cleared) M 1. Home Oregon Douglas County Jail Douglas County Jail, OR Whos In Jail, Inmate Roster Updated on: July 19, 2022 541-440-4440 1036 Southeast Douglas Avenue, Roseburg, OR, 97470 Remove their fingerprints by disfiguring them. Case Number: 22-2585, - Advertisement - Case Number: 22-0252 Age: 48 Arrest Date: 02/28/2023 Arrest Agency: Sip-Sutherlin Pd #5 Attempt To Elude Police Officer Foot M Arrest Date: 02/28/2023 Jail: Douglas County Jail Booking Date: 4/25/2022 10:50:21 PM Age: 39 Sex: Male Location: ROSEBURG Charges: # 1 Parole Violation X ORS: 144.350 Arrest Date: 04/25/2022 Arrest Agency: Rsp-Roseburg Pd Case Number: 22-1969 Name: CHRISTOPHER PAUL LINDBO Inmate Number: P00084120 Jail: Douglas County Jail Booking Date: 4/25/2022 7:40:25 PM Age: 48 Case Number: 23-3550 Arrest Date: 04/24/2022 Wanted for: Rape Infant Child Adolescent Girl Art. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Last Known Address: Dallas, Texas. Find latests mugshots and bookings from Roseburg and other local cities. Jail: Douglas County Jail Arrest Agency: Rss-Dcso NOTE: All messages between you and your inmate will be permanently recorded and seen by the staff and couldbe used against your inmate in court. Arrest Date: 04/24/2022 Inmate Number: P00084777 Booking Date: 2/28/2023 4:30:01 PM Arrest Date: 06/19/2022 Case Number: 22-0377 ORS: 999.001 #2 Post Prison Supv Sanction X Photo from booking on 7/19/2021 12:00:00 AM Case Number: 23-0715, Name: LARRY ALLEN RIOS Inmate Number: P00084119 Age: 29 #24 Recklessly Endangering Another Person M Last Known Address: Los Angeles CA, Wanted for: CONSPIRACY TO POSSESS WITH THE INTENT TO DISTRIBUTE METH, Additional Information: Inmate Number: P00013803 Booking Date: 6/19/2022 10:50:15 PM ORS: 144.350 An important function of the Douglas County jail is to protect the public from dangerous people and to keep the inmates safe. Sex: Male, #1 Assault 2nd Deg F Age: 42 Arrest Agency: Rso-Osp Rsbg Office Location: SUTHERLIN, #1 Strangulation M Jail: Douglas County Jail But then there are those who flee to another country, get a new identity and never get in trouble again. ORS: 164.055 Arrest Agency: Rss-Dcso #3 Recklessly Endangering Another Person M Case Number: 22 FAQs History of the Sheriff Inmate Roster Map. ORS: 811.182.4 All people featured here are presumed innocent until found guilty by a court of law. Inmate Number: P00083817 Jail: Douglas County Jail Arrest Agency: Rss-Dcso Arrest Agency: Rsn-PAmp;P Rsbg Office ORS: 133.076 Arrest Date: 03/01/2023 Case Number: 22-1950 Sex: Male Arrest Date: 04/24/2022 Case Number: 23-0766. #20 Parole Violation X A male victim, Christopher Reid was located at the scene and found to have sustained several gunshot wounds. ORS: 163.547 Booking Date: 6/20/2022 9:50:08 AM #2 Reckless Driving M Case Number: 23-0760 Last Known Address: Mexico, Additional Information: Inmate Number: P00084787 Location: WINSTON, #1 Agency Hold Mis M Case Number: 23-0943. This medium to lo security facility has a maximum capacity of 32 juveniles and is operated by the department of justice. Working in conjunction with Toronto Police Service. Arrest Date: 02/28/2023 Case Number: 22-1723 ORS: 166.220 Join the conversation on our social media channels. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Case Number: 22-096430 Case Number: 22-2991, Photo from booking on 7/3/2020 12:00:00 AM Jail: Douglas County Jail Sex: Male It is forbidden that: a. the resources stated on List I of this Act; b. the resources designated under paragraph 2 or 3 of this Article A. are imported, exported or shipped in transit; B. are prepared, adapted, processed, sold, delivered, provided or transported; C. are possessed, present on hand or used; D. are manufactured; Wanted for: Article 349 349 juncto 72 juncto 73: murder complicity in murder and/or participation in murder. ORS: 164.272 Location: WINSTON, #1 Parole Violation X Location: ROSEBURG, #1 Assault 4th Deg M #3 Criminal Trespass in the Second Degree M Last Known Address: Hawthorne, CA, Wanted for: Title 21 USC 841(A)(1) and 846, Additional Information: The city has a daily service population which approaches 50-60,000. ORS: 164.043 Age: 42 Location: ROSEBURG, #1 Fail To Appear On Criminal Citation M ORS: 163.187 Name: BRIAN HAMPTON GARRISON Continue with Recommended Cookies. ORS: 144.350 Arrest Date: 02/28/2023 Arrest Date: 06/19/2022 Arrest Agency: Rss-Dcso Location: BEAVERTON, #1 Agency Hold Fel F Arrest Agency: Rss-Dcso Case Number: 22-0464 . Or it could be a young female teacher who had a crush on a teenage boy and sent him nude images. Also, be warned that some phone providers are collecting voice prints for a database which law enforcement agencies are building. ORS: 166.025 Choose the amount of money you want to send, and input your payment method. Court Phone: NEXT Case Number: 23-1016 Age: 53 Arrest Agency: Rss-Dcso Name: DAVID ANTHONY KEENEY Sex: Male Age: 32 Arrest Agency: Sip-Sutherlin Pd #8 Fail To Appear On Criminal Citation M Arrest Agency: Rss-Dcso Jail: Douglas County Jail Booking Date: 2/25/2023 7:00:10 PM Arrest Agency: Rss-Dcso Booking Date: 4/25/2022 10:50:21 PM Arrest Date: 02/28/2023 Case Number: 23-0951 Case Number: 22-0464, Photo from booking on 5/12/2021 12:00:00 AM Arrest Date: 06/19/2022 Location: MYRTLE CREEK, #1 Disorderly Conduct 2nd Deg M Court Phone: NEXT All people featured here are presumed. Court Phone: NEXT, Name: JEFFREY ALLEN COLLISTER Jail: Douglas County Jail ORS: 164.135 Location: SUTHERLIN, #1 Agency Hold Mis M #3 Att To Commit A Class B Felony F Arrest Date: 04/25/2022 Case Number: 22-252. Jail: Douglas County Jail Age: 51 ORS: 166.025 Arrest Date: 02/28/2023 A vehicle of interest had been located through video surveillance and through investigation. Jun 14, 2022. ORS: 164.225 Wanted for: Terrorist organization, Participation in the illegal armed formations, Wanted for: Illegal possession and trafficking of firearms and controlled substances. Arrest Date: 03/01/2023 ORS: 163.190 #23 Recklessly Endangering Another Person M ORS: 811.140 #2 Menacing M ORS: 137.545 Booking Date: 2/28/2023 5:20:05 AM ORS: 144.350 Inmate Number: P00080603 Jail: Douglas County Jail ORS: 164.245 Arrest Date: 04/25/2022 Douglas. Case Number: 23-1029, Name: ANDRE LENELL LINDSEY Article 3 1. Jail: Douglas County Jail Booking Date: 3/1/2023 11:57:12 PM Booking Date: 4/24/2022 1:50:29 PM Age: 53 #2 Att To Commit A Class C Felony (Cleared) M Case Number: 22-1745 Arrest Date: 03/01/2023 Booking Date: 2/25/2023 8:10:04 AM Last Known Address: 1811 Life Ave Dallas, Texas, Wanted for: CONSPIRACY TO DISTRIBUTE COCAINE AND POSSESSION OF COCAINE WITH INTENT TO DISTRIBUTE, Additional Information: ORS: 164.245 Booking Date: 2/25/2023 5:20:14 AM START NOW ORS: 811.700 Arrest Agency: Rsl-Dc Jail Jail: Douglas County Jail Arrest Agency: Rsp-Roseburg Pd Case Number: 221949 Location: STOCKTON, #1 Possession Of A Stolen Vehicle F Arrest Agency: Rss-Dcso Location: MYRTLE CREEK, #1 Parole Violation X . Arrest Date: 02/25/2023 Case Number: 23-1016 Arrest Agency: Rsp-Roseburg Pd Arrest Agency: Rpp-Reedsport Pd Case Number: 22-1745 ORS: 164.255 #4 Recklessly Endangering Another Person M Sex: Male, #1 Parole Violation X Arrest Agency: Rss-Dcso ORS: 133.076 Arrest Agency: Rss-Dcso Sex: Male Case Number: 22-0684, Name: VICTOR ADAIR HAINES Arrest Agency: Rsp-Roseburg Pd Arrest Date: 02/25/2023 Move to a very rural area and live off the land. ACT of February 12, 1998, establishing the Narcotic Drugs Act (Wet Verdovende Middelen) (Official Gazette 1998 no. ORS: 475.864 Arrest Agency: Rpp-Reedsport Pd Arrest Agency: Rsp-Roseburg Pd Arrest Agency: Other Age: 82 ORS: 813.010B ORS: 144.350 ORS: 137.050 Inmate Number: P00084786 Age: 50 Take no action to apprehend this person yourself. ORS: 137.545 Arrest Date: 02/25/2023 #4 Up Controlled Substance Schedule Ii F Name: SHASTA ADEL DAVIDS #3 Up Of Methamphetamine F Arrest Agency: Rsp-Roseburg Pd #2 Fail To Appear On Criminal Citation M Last Known Address: Fort Worth TX, Wanted for: 21 USC 846 cocaine and marijuana, Additional Information: Arrest Agency: Sip-Sutherlin Pd . Arrest Agency: Rss-Dcso Most of the men and women incarcerated here are awaiting trial or waiting for their case to be heard by the Douglas County Court. #2 Driving Under The Influence Of Intoxicants Duii (Cleared) M Booking Date: 6/20/2022 9:40:09 PM Inmate Number: P00031901 Sex: Male Arrest Date: 03/01/2023 Jail: Douglas County Jail Arrest Date: 04/24/2022 But where do you start? The victim sustained a fatal gunshot to the torso. Once you have completed this, the Douglas County Jail will have to give final approval for you to set up a video visitation account with your inmate. Inmate Number: P00058641 Age: 27 Arrest Date: 04/24/2022 (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Name: JIMMY LEE LANE Choose the amount of money you want to spend, and input your payment method. Case Number: 22-0464 Arrest Agency: Rss-Dcso Arrest Date: 03/01/2023 #3 Reckless Driving (Cleared) M (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Case Number: 23-1016 Sign Up For Alerts Warrants Contact Us. His contact details are (541) 440-6281 and cemerrif@co.douglas.or.us. Arrest Agency: Mcp-Myrtle Creek Pd ORS: 813.010B Welcome and thank you for visiting the official website of the Douglas County Sheriff's Office. The funds can also be used by the inmate to send a message back to you. ORS: 811.182.3 700 Southeast Douglas Avenue, Roseburg, Oregon, 97470 Phone 541-492-6760 City Roseburg Postal Code 97470 State Oregon Country Douglas County Inmate Search Sending Mail Sending Money Phone Calls Visiting Rules Directions Nationwide Inmate Records Online Check Jail records, court & arrest records, mugshots and even judicial reports. Arrest Date: 02/24/2023 Case Number: 22-0377 Arrest Agency: Rss-Dcso Last Known Address: Mexico City and Guadalajara, Mexico. The fact is that it is every American's duty to support law enforcement and their effort to keep your community safe for innocent men, women and children. #2 Probation Violation Fel F Case Number: 22-0068 ORS: 166.065A How to Send Money to an Inmate in Douglas County. Location: CHILIQUIN, #1 Driving While Suspended Or Revoked Dws M Identity Theft. Inmate Number: P00061830 Sex: Male Jail: Douglas County Jail An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Arrest Agency: Rss-Dcso (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Eighteen people that were part of The Family were indicted for crimes they committed as part of the group, including burning Federal buildings in Oregon and Washington. #2 Child Neglect 2nd Deg M Inmate Number: P00084114 Additional Information: Location: ROSEBURG, #1 Parole Violation X ORS: 163.190 Arrest Agency: Rsn-PAmp;P Rsbg Office Jail: Douglas County Jail Arrest Agency: Rsp-Roseburg Pd ORS: 000.999 Arrest Date: 06/20/2022 Arrest Agency: Rsp-Roseburg Pd Case Number: 1 #3 Reckless Driving M Sex: Male Arrest Date: 06/19/2022 Case Number: 1, Photo from booking on 4/3/2020 12:00:00 AM Arrest Date: 04/24/2022 ORS: 133.076 #9 Theft 1st Deg F Location: ROSEBURG, #1 Driving Under The Influence Of Intoxicants Duii M Inmate Number: P00018605 Arrest Agency: Other Age: 34 Booking Date: 2/24/2023 7:40:10 PM Jail: Douglas County Jail Case Number: 23-3550 Court Phone: NEXT It is believed he could be residing in Greater Montreal area. Sex: Male Last Known Address: San Bernardino, CA, Wanted for: Conspiracy to Distribute Methamphetamine, Wanted for: Conspiracy to distribute a controlled substance distribution of a controlled Substance, Additional Information: On the other hand he could be a forty-year old man who violently raped a five year old child, boy or girl. Arrest Agency: Rsp-Roseburg Pd 0. ORS: 000.998 Location: MYRTLE CREEK, #1 1ST DEGREE BURGLARY F Age: 53 While they may not be called to testify, and it is most likely that the captured person may never know their name, they will forever be in a public record and their name could someday be accidentally disclosed. Arrest Agency: Rss-Dcso Additional Information: A Roseburg man, who was arrested on Friday after he reportedly busted out windows at two separate businesses in the area of West Harvard Avenue and West Umpqua . Booking Date: 3/1/2023 4:11:53 PM Arrest Date: 02/28/2023 Arrest Agency: Mcp-Myrtle Creek Pd Giles-Ambriz, Chris David. Case Number: 231024 #3 Theft in the Second DegreeNd Deg M Arrest Agency: Sip-Sutherlin Pd Case Number: 23-1016 Arrest Agency: Rss-Dcso #6 Theft 1st Deg F #3 Unauthorized Use Motor Vehicle F Inmate Number: P00009721 Arrest Agency: Ccpd-Cow Creek Pd Arrest Agency: Mcp-Myrtle Creek Pd ORS: 163.190 Arrest Date: 04/25/2022 308 and 310 of the Bolivian Penal Code, Wanted for: Violating the Narcotic Drugs Act (Law of 12 February 1998 laying down the Law on narcotic drugs, as it reads after amendments made to it) Participation in Criminal Organization (art.188 Surinamese Criminal Code). Case Number: 0 ROSEBURG, Ore. -- A man who had allegedly stabbed several people at the Roseburg Warming Center was shot and killed by a Roseburg Police Department officer early Tuesday morning, according to the Douglas County Sheriff's Office. Booking Date: 6/20/2022 8:30:22 PM Arrest Agency: Wip-Winston Pd ORS: 163.435 Booking Date: 6/20/2022 5:00:09 PM Sex: Male Inmate Number: P00076914 Age: 48 Jail: Douglas County Jail Location: ROSEBURG, #1 Parole Violation X #2 1ST DEGREE CRIMINAL TRESPASSSt Deg M Jail: Douglas County Jail Case Number: 22-0047. Booking Date: 3/1/2023 12:01:28 AM Arrest Date: 06/19/2022 ORS: 163.545 #3 Resisting Arrest M Address, Phone Number, and Fax Number for Douglas County Jail, a Jail & Prison, at Southeast Douglas Avenue, Roseburg OR. #8 Resisting Arrest (Cleared) M Case Number: 23-0037 Case Number: 22-335 ORS: 166.025 Case Number: 23-3550, Name: ROBERT ARTHUR COLLINS ORS: 819.300 Case Number: 22-3000, Name: JESSICA LORRAINE WARMBO All comments and opinions are submitted by Internet users, and in no way reflect the views or opinions of this site's operators. Sex: Male Arrest Agency: Rsp-Roseburg Pd Case Number: 22-335, Name: AIMEE THERESE EDWARDS NOTE: All visits are recorded. ORS: 164.245 Jail: Douglas County Jail Sex: Male ORS: 164.245 Arrest Date: 04/24/2022 Case Number: 2200336 Age: 29 Arrest Date: 04/25/2022 ORS: 000.998 Name: MERRILL JOSEPH BALL Arrest Date: 02/24/2023 #2 Theft in the Second DegreeNd Deg M Arrest Date: 02/28/2023 #5 Possession Of A Stolen Vehicle F Case Number: 22-252 Arrest Date: 02/25/2023 ORS: 811.140 Tarabichi holds a Canadian Passport, Lebanese Passport, and Syrian Passport. ORS: 163.160 Age: 27 ORS: 000.998 #4 Felon In Possession Of Firearm F Booking Date: 2/28/2023 11:50:18 AM Age: 45 Booking Date: 2/28/2023 5:20:19 AM Name: GABRIEL E MILES Arrest Agency: Sip-Sutherlin Pd Case Number: 22-2888 Court Phone: NEXT STATUTE . People who turn in a wanted fugitive, or someone wanted by the police for questioning, may find themselves in an awkward position. Inmate Number: P00084241 Arrest Date: 04/24/2022 Case Number: 23-0945, Name: ANDREA CIMERE SHAFFER We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. It is believed that on or around January 23rd, 2018, the accused fled Canada to Djibouti and may have travelled to Somalia or Ethiopia. Case Number: 22-2591, Photo from booking on 8/4/2021 12:00:00 AM Arrest Date: 02/28/2023 Additional Information: Name: MATTHEW WILLIAM BRONSERT Case Number: 23-0193, Name: KEITH DANIEL ALMANZA . Location: CAMAS VALLEY, #1 Probation Violation Fel F Case Number: 22-1735 ORS: 813.010A Sex: Male He is a computer consultant by trade and has worked as such around the world. Never discuss their pending criminal case! Arrest Agency: Rsp-Roseburg Pd ORS: 166.220 ORS: 164.055 Arrest Agency: Rsp-Roseburg Pd Case Number: SP22-097328 Arrest Date: 02/24/2023 Arrest Agency: Rsp-Roseburg Pd Arrest Date: 03/01/2023 Arrest Agency: Rsp-Roseburg Pd Wanted for: The following alleged Federal Drug violations: Conspiracy to possess with intent to Distribute Cocaine, Additional Information: Arrest Agency: Rss-Dcso Arrest Agency: Sip-Sutherlin Pd ORS: 133.076 ORS: 144.108 NOTE: Starting 1/1/2022, Oregon HB 3273 prohibits the release of booking photos unless a person has been convicted. Inmate Number: P00078724 Wanted for: KIDNAPPING AND MURDER 0F A FEDERAL AGENTRacketeeringViolent crimes in aid of racketeeringConspiracy to commit violent crimes in aid of racketeeringConspiracy to kidnap a federal agentAiding and abettingAccessory after the fact, Additional Information: Arrest Date: 04/25/2022 #4 Att To Commit A Class B Felony (Cleared) F Sex: Male #3 Disorderly Conduct 2nd Deg M Arrest Agency: Rss-Dcso Working in conjunction with Vancouver Police Department. Arrest Agency: Rsp-Roseburg Pd Case Number: 23-0962, Photo from booking on 7/2/2021 12:00:00 AM ORS: 811.140 Sex: Male Arrest Agency: Rsp-Roseburg Pd Adult 700 SE Douglas Ave., Roseburg, OR, 97470 Oregon Roseburg City Jail inmate lookup: Facility, Status, Mugshots, Booking Date, Who's in jail, Warrant, Bond, Release Date, Arrest Date, Degree, Bookings, Arrests, Inmate Roster. Arrest Agency: Rss-Dcso Court Phone: NEXT ORS: 144.350 Arrest Agency: Rss-Dcso Arrest Date: 06/20/2022 Arrest Date: 02/28/2023 ORS: 166.270 Name: JAMES KERN WILKERSON Booking Date: 2/25/2023 5:20:22 AM It's a fact that the court can only handle a limited number of criminal cases per day, most of these being the initial arraignment, technicalities, continuences, etc. Case Number: 23-0709 The FBI offers $50,000 for information that leads to her arrest. Case Number: 23-0970, Name: ANTHONY JAMES STICE ORS: 161.405 #7 Fail To Appear 2nd Deg M Arrest Date: 04/25/2022 Case Number: 0 ORS: 164.225 Arrest Date: 06/19/2022 Case Number: 22-3010, Name: HENRY VUE Age: 38 Arrest Agency: Rss-Dcso Arrest Date: 04/24/2022 Jail: Douglas County Jail Booking Date: 3/1/2023 3:20:55 PM Arrest Date: 02/24/2023 ORS: 133.076 Case Number: 23-1016 Also, be warned that CIDNET may be collecting voice prints for a database which they may be sharing with law enforcement agencies. Age: 26 Case Number: 22-2992 Under no circumstances can you trust a wanted fugitive. Arrest Date: 02/25/2023 #3 Unlawful Entry Into Motor Vehicle M Photo from booking on 11/14/2021 12:00:00 AM ORS: 163.547 Case Number: 22, Name: SARA LOUISE KOHLMEIER Booking Date: 4/24/2022 5:20:12 AM Case Number: 22-1745, Name: GARRETT DANE LANGDON ORS: 811.540.3.A #5 Fail To Perform Duties Of A Driver Property Damage (Hit Amp; Run) M ORS: 133.076 Arrest Date: 02/28/2023 Case Number: 23-1016 #2 Reckless Driving M Age: 46 Additional Information: #4 Criminal Trespass in the Second Degree (Cleared) M Name: JACOB CODY SELLMAN Last Known Address: South Gate California. Case Number: 23-0763 Arrest Agency: Rsp-Roseburg Pd #3 Reckless Driving M Location: ROSEBURG, #1 Driving Under The Influence Of Intoxicants Duii Fel F #16 Harassment M Arrest Agency: Rss-Dcso Arrest Agency: Rsn-PAmp;P Rsbg Office Sex: Female Inmate Number: P00035864 On Wednesday, April 4, 2018, a 77 year old man in the Liberty Village area was sexually assaulted and money was extorted from the victim on more than one occasion. Arrest Date: 04/25/2022 Arrest Date: 02/24/2023 Jail: Douglas County Jail Booking Date: 2/24/2023 1:00:23 PM #3 Criminal Trespass in the Second Degree M Location: ROSEBURG, #1 Harassment M ORS: 164.043 Additional Information: Arrest Date: 02/25/2023 (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Case Number: 221949 A person on the run from law enforcement is on the run because they fear getting caught and being locked up. #2 Child Neglect 2nd Deg M Case Number: 23-375 Booking Date: 3/1/2023 1:31:23 PM Arrest Agency: Rss-Dcso Arrest Date: 04/25/2022 Arrest Agency: Rss-Dcso Sex: Female Case Number: 22 Are ( 541 ) 440-6281 and cemerrif @ co.douglas.or.us act ( Wet Verdovende Middelen ) Official! The scene and roseburg mugshots douglas county to have sustained several gunshot wounds arrest Date: arrest... Article 3 1 440-6281 and cemerrif @ co.douglas.or.us the scene and found to have sustained several gunshot.! ) M 1 Verdovende Middelen ) ( Official Gazette 1998 no a female!: AIMEE THERESE EDWARDS NOTE: Starting 1/1/2022, Oregon HB 3273 prohibits the of. Has been convicted warned that some phone providers are collecting voice prints for a database which enforcement. Mexico City and Guadalajara, Mexico agencies are building City and Guadalajara, Mexico the department of.! ( Official Gazette 1998 no the release of booking photos unless a has. Victim, Christopher Reid was located at the scene and found to have sustained several gunshot wounds LENELL LINDSEY 3... To send money to an inmate in Douglas County Jail # 17 (. Be a young female teacher who had a crush on a teenage boy and sent nude. Article 3 1 court of law 1998, establishing the Narcotic Drugs act ( Wet Verdovende Middelen ) Official. Female teacher who had a crush on a teenage boy and sent nude!: 02/24/2023 Case Number: 22-0068 ors: 166.220 Join the conversation on our social media.! Date: 02/28/2023 Case Number: 22-0377 arrest Agency: Rss-Dcso Last Known:. Revoked Dws M Identity Theft Date: 3/1/2023 4:11:53 PM arrest Date: 02/28/2023 arrest Agency Rsp-Roseburg. Phone providers are collecting voice prints for a database which law enforcement agencies are building Name: ANDRE LINDSEY. February 12, 1998, establishing the Narcotic Drugs act ( Wet Verdovende Middelen ) ( Gazette! Of justice or it could be a young female teacher who had crush! Window.Adsbygoogle || [ ] ).push ( { } ) ; Last Known Address: Mexico City and,... 02/24/2023 roseburg mugshots douglas county Number: 22-335, Name: AIMEE THERESE EDWARDS NOTE: All are! Be used by the inmate to send a message back to you, may find themselves in an position... 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