d. Veterans benefits payments ________ are government grants of cash or other valuable commodities, such as land, that are used to promote activities desired by government leaders. b. Medicare &\begin{array}{lrr} d. 1942 c. children The government imposes these b. Government privatizes to lower their expenditure and heighten taxes. e. Social Security, 37. d. providing an unprecedented amount of federal funding for school vouchers, allowing parents more freedom in choosing where their children attend school take the federal government out of welfare policy, granting all authority to states. 15. The total cost of federal regulation includes. While the goals of most regulatory programs enjoy broad public support, in practice regulation usually comes down to detailed rules and lots of paperwork that can be highly costly and burdensome to those who must comply with them. e. increased use of direct cash assistance. e. an incredible drop in the stock market. regulators seek to establish rates by setting price equal to, outlaws some forms of price discrimination. d. that are offered at lower rates than market value. The 1945 Alcoa case touched off a 20-year turnabout concerning the judicial interpretation of the Sherman Act; the US Court of Appeals in New York essentially delivered a(n). How citizens respond to these questions can reveal sharp divides in their opinions on the appropriate role of government in shaping society, known as, Derived partly from shared interpretations of. social. d. The power to expand and contract the amount of credit available in the United States. b. particularly acute for single mothers. Public Affairs Departments in Businesses: Role & Functions, Government's Non-Regulatory Influence on Business, The Cost and Benefits of Regulation in Business. c. Temporary Assistance to Needy Families the funding of government agencies overseeing WebThe purpose of social regulation is to focus on the impact of production on the environment and society, the working conditions under which goods and services are produced, and WebThe two basic types of government regulation are Question 1 options: Select subject (so we can find the right Chegg Expert) Question 2 (1 point) The major goal of social b. A high-level overview of liberal, conservative, and libertarian views on the appropriate role of governmentinsolving social problems. It is a program based on forced savings. a. federal government's attempt to recruit more soldiers to the armed forces prior to World War II. b. schools that a district uses as the median by which to judge test scores. b. by the states, with uniform benefit levels set by the federal government. c. The poverty rates for African Americans and Latino Americans are more than double that of non Latino white Americans. During the New Deal, ________ theory that a government could boost employment by stimulating demand became quite influential. WebSOCIAL LEGISLATION. A(n) ________ benefit is one where potential recipients must document their genuine need. c. It made foreclosures almost impossible under the law and allowed many people to stop paying their mortgages with no monetary penalties. b. Republicans' support for tax cuts creates a political dilemma for Democrats. [8] Systemic manifestations are known. It is where an entity with power and authority in a certain area formulates rules to influence its operations to ensure that it operates as per the formulated rules. They are generally cheaper than other forms of government support. First, with the evolution of economic theory, several scholars have questioned the understanding of market failure underlying the explanation of government regulation. A third definition of regulation moves beyond an interest in the state and focuses on all means of social control, either intentional or unintentional. b. a tax credit given to all people who are unemployed and do not have health insurance coverage. a. earned income tax credits D. Calculate your economic profit. 45. When a firm merges with a company that does not product inputs it needs to make its products or does not sell similar finished goods and services, it is called a ____ merger. &\text { Prostate Cancer }\\ d. The reforms have led to an increase in the number of welfare recipients. Monetary policy controls the level of money supply in an economy and how it is supplied. b. often controversial. Which of the following statements about Social Security is FALSE? The United Nations educational, scientific and cultural agency chief is urging a global conversation on the regulation of social media and its role in the spread of misinformation in order to make the internet a safer place. Consuming a balanced diet and regular activity have health benefits. Social regulation entails the control of public interests and social cohesion. Direct link to Olivia Dowell's post what about the moderates?, Posted 2 years ago. a. sharp rises in house prices. which of the following require buyers to purchase another product as a condition for obtaining a desired product? Direct link to makenna wilms's post Why do conservatives norm, Posted 3 years ago. e. that are issued from the Federal Reserve to the government. How did the Great Depression change American attitudes about welfare? lessons in math, English, science, history, and more. b. Self-awareness b. lower interest rates so that banks can provide more loans at cheaper rates to individuals and businesses. c. restrict most legal immigrants from receiving benefits. The word "civil" relates to the words "civilization" or "society". Webthe purpose of social regulation is to focus on the impact of production on the envioronment and society , the working conditions under which goods and services are This is also the case for collaborative problem solving, which invites group members to metacognitively monitor the progress with their goals and externalize it in social interactions while solving a problem. For example, I am somewhat of a moderate since I support the right to abortion, but am against affirmative action. During this time, known as the Progressive Era, the movements goals involved strengthening the Such pragmatic-administrative perspectives shed light on regulation as an act of policy making. To heighten efficiency: The government tends to believe that private entities are more efficient because they are motivated by profits, which makes them cut costs to achieve that objective. The reforms have reduced the number of people on welfare but have done little to reduce poverty. Government regulation also dictates the direction in which an industry operates. \text { Large Part } & 507 & 42 a. from private banks to the Federal Reserve. Prohibits firms from misrepresenting their products. The elderly are perceived as deserving benefits from the government. 4. We reviewed their content and use your feedback to keep the quality high. e. 1965. Its like a teacher waved a magic wand and did the work for me. e. 40; 30, 69. Calculate total implicit cost. Which of the following statements is true? the type of mergers to which the US government is most likely to object is _____ mergers. An example of cost-of-service regulation is electricity costs in the U.S, where the prices are influenced by the costs incurred like land, purchase of equipment, power plant construction, etc. b. d. economic tabulating c. Democrats support raising taxes on the wealthy. Regulations are also essential in enhancing quality control. Financial regulations describe the policies and laws that influence the financial industry through financial institutions like banks, insurance companies, financial brokers, and credit unions. However, if regulation is conceived of more broadly as a form of economic governance, it is difficult to imagine the total elimination of state intervention. WebThe U.S. government began developing a social welfare policy during the Great Depression of the 1930s. To the nearest whole percent , what percent of the Trac er's annua l receipts were As evidence, they would like to cite the following study. In addition to these three policy goals, the federal government has other objectives to maintain sound economic policy. Which of the following statements is true? Therefore, the government privatizes to attain efficiency from the private entities. d. Earned income tax credits in practice, the goal of industrial or public regulation of a natural monopoly is to establish rates that do which of the following? a. the middle class \text { Small Part of Diet } & 2420 & 201 \\ b. increased benefits a union of two firms that sell similar products in the same geographic market is known as which of the following? The "feminization of poverty" is d. public schools that are free to design special curricula. Conservatives also oppose government restrictions on individual liberties protected in the Bill of Rights, such as the right to bear arms. This understanding is commonly applied in anthropology, sociolegal studies, and international relations because it includes mechanisms such as voluntary agreements or norms that exercise social control outside the reach of a sovereign state and not necessarily as an intentional act of steering. B. Children cannot vote. A. c. It requires that students be tested every year in grades 3 to 8 for proficiency in math and reading. 30. On the other hand, liberals tend to oppose government intervention into areas of private life, such as laws restricting contraception or same-sex marriage. President ________ vowed "to end welfare as we know it." The main data sources are obtained from primary legal materials in the form of laws and regulations, regional regulations, and literature John David Jackson, Patricia Meglich, Robert Mathis, Sean Valentine, Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management, Organizational Behavior: Managing People and Organizations, Jean Phillips, Ricky W. Griffin, Stanley Gully, Information Technology Project Management: Providing Measurable Organizational Value, I Hear You: The surprisingly simple skill beh. A large number of studies have also grappled with the empirical fact of regulation. To what extent should government policies respect personal privacy or promote traditional morality? Your firm's total explicit cost is$70,000. b. grant block grants to the states to fund the programs. b. Republicans in recent decades have supported tax cuts. Environmental protection regulation describes the policies that protect the environment from harm emanating from harmful activities like pollution. b. low levels of literacy in America's inner cities economists generally conclude that the government has generated large net benefits from deregulating _____. WebIt is anticompetitive It will increase product prices It will increase the rate of innovation in the economy It will impose a larger burden on small firms compared to This problem has been solved! e. Aid to Families with Dependent Children, *32. As long as interest groups exist, regulation can be expected, which impedes the achievement of maximal social and economic welfare. It maintains the equilibrium and stability in the society. What important noncontributory program was abolished by Congress in 1996? Social Security was established in ________. In general, the goal of welfare reform is to reduce the number of individuals or families that depend on government assistance programs like food stamps and TANF Self-regulation is reducing the intensity and/or the frequency of those impulses by self-managing stress and negative environmental impact. It opened up the market for entry of more airlines hence heightening competition and lowering prices. A government regulation infers the set of rules that the governing body of a country establishes to impose control on the different activities in the country or the conduct of the citizens therein. You'll get a detailed solution from a subject matter expert that helps you learn core concepts. Finally, the market failure approach argues that regulation is put into place with the goal of achieving economic efficiency. a. 2. When did the American welfare state begin? 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. c. 65; 25 41. d. George W. Bush The purpose of regulations is to ensure a safe space for the environment and individuals as well. e. by the federal government, with benefit levels varying between states. Deregulation in an industry or economy grants corporations and business entities free operation and freedom to make decisions that favor them, devoid of penalties since no regulations exist. a. social regulation and economic regulation. The cost-of-service regulation describes the type of regulation that influences the price of a service as per the cost of producing and distributing it. Jennifer Lombardo received both her undergraduate degree and MBA in marketing from Rowan University. For example, when a government is deep in debt, it can choose to privatize a particular public sector to a private entity required to pay for maintenance fees and manage it hence reducing the expenditure burden on the government. \text { Moderate Part } & 2769 & 209 \\ WebThe Progressive movement was a political and social-reform movement that brought major changes to the United States during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. 65. Her contributions to SAGE Publications'. economic and social regulation. WebThe first was that human nature could be improved through the enlightened application of regulations, incentives, and punishments. under the ____ antitrust act of 1890, every contract, type of trust, or conspiracy to restrain trade among several states or with foreign nations is declared illegal and every person or combination of persons that attempts to monopolize any part of trade or commerce shall be deemed guilty of a crime. c. The recipient has been means tested. The Temporary Assistance to Needy Families program is administered If you're seeing this message, it means we're having trouble loading external resources on our website. Government regulation is classified into two basic types; social and economic regulation. *29. behavior (methods used to restrict competition).structure (size and market share). Conceiving regulation as a tool for overcoming market imperfections, however, has been criticized on a number of points. Likewise, ideologies are constantly changing and adapting to new political realities. The government sets up standards and policies that determine how industries and firms should account for their activities so that they do not impose negative effects on the environment. Tax expenditures a. Medicaid Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. Selecting the type of regulation to apply to a sector of the economy will have major impacts on the targeted institutions and on the potential for success in achieving 36. The elderly make up a large proportion of the population. A majority of Americans believe that taxes are fairly low. why do the conservatives oppose the government. a. indexed d. often changed drastically from administration to administration. b. indexing You'll get a detailed solution from a subject matter expert that helps you learn core concepts. Social regulation entails the control of public interests and social cohesion. Regulation as a governmental activity has been studied extensively, including the reasons for regulation and the process by which it is effected. compliance less the compliance cost for It is determined by the costs incurred in producing and a fair profit to the producer or supplier. The concept of regulation points to the rules that structure the behaviour of individuals within a given context without postulating where the rules come from and how they are imposed. d. the requirement that health insurance companies accept all applicants, regardless of preexisting conditions. If industrial regulators perpetuate a monopoly that is no longer a natural monopoly, the result is likely to be which of the following? social regulations likely ____ the rate of innovations and technological advances, when a firm merges with a firm that installs brakes and mufflers on cars and trucks, this is considered a(n) _____ merger, under certain circumstances it can be beneficial for a _____ to exist. WebBased on self-determination theory (SDT), the main goal of this study is to analyze dispositional flow and social physique anxiety (SPA) that could be predicted by gender, If 99% confidence is desired, how many consumers need to be selected? a. based on the reality that women are more likely to be poor than men. d. provide uniform housing safety standards. A. firms. a. 17. c. George H. W. Bush The main change in welfare policies since 1996 is ________. Create your account. Price-fixing is considered to be a ____ ____ violation of the antitrust laws, social regulation may lesson competition by. e. some states choose to only employ contributory programs. Regulation refers to the practices put in place to control an activity or process. regulation, in government, a rule or mechanism that limits, steers, or otherwise controls social behaviour. d. 40 a. promote home ownership. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). d. changing needs of each recipient. To enhance competition: When monopolies are privatized, they are bound to be deregulated by the freedom of entry hence heightening competition. c. mandating a single nationwide standardized test to be taken by all students Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. e. They are paid for through international tariffs rather than personal income taxes. The goals of American social policy are Which program was designed to help augment the benefits to the aged, blind, and disabled? The two basic types of government regulation are. a. It was the signature education act of George W. Bush. a. financing approved by Congress during each session. Additionally, privatization could also refer to the movement of a private sector to a private sector. c. the federal government specifies different levels of assistance to each state based on means testing and indexing. 42. To increase public participation: In a quest to engage the public in the management of assets and seeking to grant them access to decision-making and considering their input, the government privatizes some sectors or public enterprises. I am a fourth-year Biological Sciences major concentrating in Molecular and Cellular Biology at Cal Poly SLO. they argue that the benefits of social regulation are greater than the costs, the practical purpose of industrial regulation is to set the price equal to _____ _____ cost so that the natural monopoly receives a ____ profit, in general, deregulation during 1970s and 1980s has, A merger between firms at different stages of the production process is called a(n) ______ merger. 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